ICYMI: Post-Easter Chill Edition
In my neck of the woods, we figure that spring can't arrive until there has been a post-Easter snow. We appear to be working on tht today. So while we sip our hot chocolate of shivery bitterness, here are some current readings to absorb and-- please-- share!
Choice As A Substitute For Adequacy
Did states deal with the Great Recession by expanding choice to cover their cuts to public education? School Finance 101 takes a look.
The X-odus Files
Tim Slekar has long believed (as do I) that there is no teacher shortage, but rather a nationwide slow-motion one-at-a-time walkout. And he's started collecting the stories as evidence.
School Districts Are Going Into Debt To Keep Up With Technology
Cash-strapped districts are financing their tech programs with debt (which just makes the tech even more expensive). The Hechinger Report digs in .
Tony Soprano Visits Tennessee Legislators
A look at the GOP assault on education and voting rights and oh, boy, is Tennessee a fun place right now.
For all the Talk About School Competition in Camden, Families Really Haven’t Had a Choice
When choice turns out to be not choice at all.
Success Academy Podcast IV- Got To Go
Gary Rubinstein is listening his way through a podcast about Success Academy. It's not exactly hard hitting, but he finds some content worth talking about.
A Flippity-Do-Da Day In Tennessee
Momma Bears look at how Governor Lee slimed his way to passage of his assorted bills. This is not how it was described by Schoolhouse Rock.
How Is School Choice "Freedom" When Students Lose School Libraries and Librarians
Nancy Bailey looks at one of the casualties of the school choice movement.
The Problem With Education Research Fixated on "What Works"
Rick Hess makes his contribution to the research wars, and it' a good one. Really.
An Ambitious Plan To Combat Segregation Just Made Things Worse
Dana Goldstein in the NYT looks at the San Francisco plan to desegregate and how it only made matters worse.
Who Should Pay For Public Education
Nancy Flanagan answers the question, "So if philanthropists want to spend their money on education, what's the problem?"
Let Us March On 'Til Victory Is Won
Jose Luis Vilson is a poet of connections. Here we find Beyonce, testing season, and school spaces.
CURMUDGUCATION: ICYMI: Post-Easter Chill Edition (4/28)
Big Education Ape: CATCH UP WITH CURMUDGUCATION - http://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2019/04/catch-up-with-curmudgucation.html