Chicago scores a win. We don’t want nobody sent

Nobody could have predicted the scope of the election results in Tuesday night’s Chicago municipal election.
There was the defeat of the head of the storied Chicago Democratic Party by no less than a margin of 2-1 in every Chicago ward.
There was the victory of a an African American gay woman who announced her run against Rahm Emanuel – the sitting mayor – when few else would take on the challenge.
The final margin of victory was a whopping 74% to 26%.
Even in my own 35th ward where Alderman Carlos Rosa was one of Preckwinkle’s most aggressive supporters, Lightfoot carried the ward with 66% of the vote. It was a greater vote margin than Rosa received himself in the February primary.
There was the defeat of 40th ward alderman Patrick O’ Connor. He was Rahm’s floor leader. He was Rahm’s choice to replace the disgraced Eddie Burke to head the powerful Finance Committee. O’Connor goes back to the old Vrdolyak 29, which tried to block the reform agenda of Chicago’s first Black mayor in 1983.
O’Connor was beaten handily by a Democratic Socialist, Andre Vazquez.
Other Democratic Socialists who will sit in City Council include the incumbent Daniel Rosa in my 35th ward, Daniel La Spata in the 1st ward and Byron Sigcho-Lopez in the CONTINUE READING: Chicago scores a win. We don’t want nobody sent. – Fred Klonsky