Pam Harbin Wants to Go From Pittsburgh School Board Watchdog to School Board Member
My friend Pam Harbin is trying to undergo a startling metamorphosis.
Now that Board President Lynda Wrenn is stepping down after 4 years, city voters in District 4 will have to decide whether Harbin can make the change. The election is on May 21.
Residents in parts of Squirrel Hill, Point Breeze, Shadyside and North Oakland already know Harbin as a fierce warrior for children’s civil rights, the plight of disabled kids and authentic public schools.
I’ve known Pam, personally, for years in my own role as an education activist. Though I don’t live in the city, I’ve participated in numerous collective actions to fight for the schools all our children deserve. And right beside me in every case – often in front of me – was Pam.
I’ve known Pam, personally, for years in my own role as an education activist. Though I don’t live in the city, I’ve participated in numerous collective actions to fight for the schools all our children deserve. And right beside me in every case – often in front of me – was Pam.

I may not live in the district, but I wish I could vote for her. Harbin is an amazing leader with boundless energy, piercing intelligence, a deep knowledge of education policy, an advanced degree in finance and marketing, and an impressive track record of education justice achievements.
“I am deeply concerned for our system of public education,” she says. “The status quo isn’t working for all children. Thankfully, there are many people here in Pittsburgh and across the country who are fighting for investment in, and transformation of, our public schools. Unfortunately, their efforts are hindered by the well-funded organizations who fight for public school disinvestment, privatization, and for the elimination of teachers’ right to unionize.”
“I am deeply concerned for our system of public education,” she says. “The status quo isn’t working for all children. Thankfully, there are many people here in Pittsburgh and across the country who are fighting for investment in, and transformation of, our public schools. Unfortunately, their efforts are hindered by the well-funded organizations who fight for public school disinvestment, privatization, and for the elimination of teachers’ right to unionize.”
For the past 12 years, Harbin has been at the forefront of every major battle for the future of Pittsburgh’s public schools and the rights of its students.
Harbin was instrumental in pushing city school board directors to enact a suspension ban from Pk-2nd grade for minor non-violent conduct. She successfully fought to CONTINUE READING: Pam Harbin Wants to Go From Pittsburgh School Board Watchdog to School Board Member | gadflyonthewallblog
Harbin was instrumental in pushing city school board directors to enact a suspension ban from Pk-2nd grade for minor non-violent conduct. She successfully fought to CONTINUE READING: Pam Harbin Wants to Go From Pittsburgh School Board Watchdog to School Board Member | gadflyonthewallblog
Pam Harbin for School Board District 4 -
Meet Pam Harbin

Pam Harbin is the mother of two children in Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) and has been active with the district for the past twelve years, working for the schools all our children deserve. She is a qualified, proven leader with experience in school policy at the local, state, and national level. Pam is the Co-Founder of the Education Rights Network, a parent-led organization working for fully resourced, inclusive and quality education for students in Pennsylvania. She is also a member and past Co-Chair of the Pittsburgh Local Task Force on the Right to Education (LTF), a parent-led organization that works with administrators of PPS and community agencies to improve services for students with disabilities.
Pam is the immediate past president and serves on the board of directors for Evolve Coaching (formerly Arts for Autism Foundation of Pittsburgh), supporting individuals with disabilities and their communities through education, employment, and the arts. Pam’s children currently attend Sci-Tech and Allderdice; before that they both attended Liberty and one of them attended Sterrett. As a PPS volunteer since 2007 Pam has served on district-wide advisory committees, including the Community Schools Steering Committee, Envisioning Educational Excellence Advisory Committee, Parental Involvement Policy Committee, Excellence for All Steering Committee, and the Special Education Delivery Model Advisory Committee. Pam has also been an unofficial school board watchdog, streaming and/or attending more than 2000 hours of school board meetings in the last 12 years. Pam is also a past member of the board of trustees at Rodef Shalom Congregation where she chaired the Family Center Committee overseeing preschool and family programming.
Pam holds a BS in Finance and Marketing from LaSalle University in Philadelphia.
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