Will Teachers Be Accountable to Make “Happy” Students?
Here comes VAM for social-emotional learning!
Controversy erupted years ago over holding teachers accountable for academic test scores. VAM (Value Added Measurement) was supposed to have been put to rest, but it never really left. Move over VAM, now teachers will be responsible for student behavior too!
Back in June, Peter Greene, writing for Forbes noted:
Few systems have been debunked more often then VAM systems, and yet somehow this failed system is still the primary tool for evaluating teachers across the country. Why?
Now reformers are giddy about adding more assessment in the form of student noncognitive soft skills to the mix. They want teachers to create perfectly behaved children in a world that is far from perfect.
Professor C. Kirabo Jackson, a professor of human development and social policy at Northwestern University, authored the study. An overall point to be made is that academics and positive behavior go together. Students who feel better about themselves will likely do better academically.
But Jackson seems to be advocating for a social-emotional learning VAM, to combine academic and social-emotional learning for a fuller teacher evaluation program.
…this study provides evidence that measuring teacher effects on test scores captures Continue reading: Will Teachers Be Accountable to Make “Happy” Students?