The Dangers of SEL Assessment Data to Students with LD Social Disabilities and Autism

Today, I would like to bring attention to the dangers of social-emotional learning assessment to a segment of our student population.
The focus on behavior is becoming the new purpose of school, and that alone should raise questions. School boards, PTA’s, and school organizations should be discussing how these curriculum changes impact what and how students learn.
Many children and teens exhibit a kind of learning disability where they misperceive social interactions. For students, such a disorder could mean that they react to SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) assessments in an inferior manner that type casts them as troubled students, when they are not, at least not in the usual sense.
Also, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) might misjudge test questions and not respond well, because social interactions are often challenging.
Students who fall into either of these categories could have personal data collected about them, based on these assessments, that unjustly cause difficulties later in life.
Social-emotional learning assessments collect behavioral data on children for outside stakeholders. Parents worry about privacy and how this information about students will Continue reading: The Dangers of SEL Assessment Data to Students with LD Social Disabilities and Autism