Time-tested and ready to go — on day one.
It’s time Sacramento City School Board knuckled down and genuinely dealt with the budget. As a parent/advocate, I have been deeply engaged in district issues and aggressively pushed back when board decisions weren’t good for families. I helped lead a collaborative effort to mitigate the negative impacts following the board’s decision to close seven schools. Now I’d like to bring my success to our school board.
My hands-on experience gives me a thorough understanding of the dire, complex budget issues faced by our district. I have a clear vision, ideas for stabilizing our budget, and the fundamental understanding necessary to be effective and successful in implementing meaningful solutions.
Good schools create vibrant neighborhoods. Healthy school districts increase home values and benefit families, neighborhoods and the community. My commitment is entirely grounded in serving the families that make up our amazing community. Let’s bring our community together, get the right skills to the table, collaborate with teachers, and find effective solutions that work for the students and communities we serve.
I would be honored to have your vote on Tuesday, November 6.

Click this link to find out why you should vote for
Anna Molander for School Board
I Endorse Anna Molander for
Sacramento City School Board
Diane Ravitch's blog - https://wp.me/p2odLa-l0e via @dianeravitch
Anna Molander for School Board
Sacramento City School Board
Diane Ravitch's blog - https://wp.me/p2odLa-l0e via @dianeravitch