#TFA25FactCheck: Examining TFA’s Facade Cracks in Real Time

On February 5-7, 2016, Teach for America (TFA) will host its 25th Anniversary Summit in Washington, DC.
Former TFAer Gary Rubinstein wants to fact-check TFA’s marketing of itself at said celebration.
To this end, he has created the blog, TFA25FactCheck, as a headquarters for monitoring the TFA glories spouting from its summit– an effort directed toward summit attendees who are also finding themselves with raised eyebrows when hearing about the alleged wonders of TFA.
To date, the blog has three posts. The first, entitled, “Why TFA25FactCheck?“, briefly offers his rationale:
I attended the 20 year TFA alumni summit five years ago, and was surprised by the number of wild claims I was hearing from the featured speakers and panelists.After that conference I spent the next five years examining these sorts of claims and found that they were always untrue or extremely exaggerated.This time around, I want there to be some kind of place where these claims can be shared and I, and others, can research them and post our finding here.For now, I’m thinking that the ‘comments’ will be a good place to have a#TFA25FactCheck: Examining TFA’s Facade Cracks in Real Time | deutsch29: