Transform the New York State Board of Regents From the Inside | Alan Singer
Transform the New York State Board of Regents From the Inside | Alan Singer: Transform the New York State Board of Regents From the InsideChancellor Merryl Tisch and Vice-Chancellor Anthony Bottar are both resigning from the New York State Board of Regents, the governing body for education in New York State. Bottar represents a region in upstate New York and Tisch holds an out-large position. With
Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor? | Bob Braun's Ledger
Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor? | Bob Braun's Ledger: Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor?Newark’s teachers’ union fights back–but will it be supported by members? Or the mayor? | Bob Braun's Ledger: The head of the Newark Teachers Union (NTU), invoking the sacrifices faced by the union in t
CURMUDGUCATION: Core: Back Off, Parents
CURMUDGUCATION: Core: Back Off, Parents: Core: Back Off, ParentsThe Hechinger Report ran a piece with the somewhat confrontational title, "Back off parents: It’s not your job to teach Common Core math when helping with homework."In the piece, Kathlenn Lucadamo argues that parents just need to get out of the business of trying to teach math at home. Her subheading is "What should par
Seaside students' GoFundMe campaign aims to get them out of tsunami zone | OregonLive.com
Seaside students' GoFundMe campaign aims to get them out of tsunami zone | OregonLive.com: Seaside students' GoFundMe campaign aims to get them out of tsunami zoneSeaside hit by tsunami as shown by OSU wave labResearchers at Oregon State University run a test modeling the effects of a tsunami hitting Seaside.Students in Seaside are taking disaster preparedness into their own hands and launching a
New student database slammed by privacy experts - The Washington Post
New student database slammed by privacy experts - The Washington Post: New student database slammed by privacy expertsThe U.S. Education Department’s new planned system of records that will collect detailed data on thousands of students — and transfer records to private contractors — is being slammed by experts who say there are not adequate privacy safeguards embedded in the project.The non-prof
Charter School Fix is a Framework for Fraud
Charter School Fix is a Framework for Fraud: Charter School Fix is a Framework for FraudIn December 2015, three fake Education Reform front groups (each of which receives millions of dollars in funding from Bill Gates) announced that they had formed a PAC to give legislators a half million dollars in bribes (also known as campaign contributions) in trade for "fixing" the problem created
Storm Clouds Over Hillary Clinton’s Education Agenda
Storm Clouds Over Hillary Clinton’s Education Agenda: Storm Clouds Over Hillary Clinton’s Education AgendaHillary Clinton gets positive points for speaking out about autism and mental health. She mentions student transition from high school to young adulthood where there exists a worrisome gap. There is more she proposes here. Mrs. Clinton also brought up the sensitive topic of seclusion and restr
Weingarten blames Cuomo for CUNY union’s lack of contract | POLITICO
Weingarten blames Cuomo for CUNY union’s lack of contract | POLITICO: Weingarten blames Cuomo for CUNY union’s lack of contractWhy don’t CUNY’s unionized employees have a contract?Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, said Thursday that it’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s fault.“In the past, the state has provided support for a fair wage for these workers. But Gov. Andrew Cu
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Washington State's "Former Charter Schools" - Updates
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Washington State's "Former Charter Schools" - Updates: Washington State's "Former Charter Schools" - UpdatesI call them "former charter schools" because, according to OSPI, that's what they are. They are "contractors" fulfilling a program formulated by OSPI for their students.My reading of all that is going on comes to two c
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm's mea culpas don't extend to school closings and wild charter expansion
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm's mea culpas don't extend to school closings and wild charter expansion: Rahm's mea culpas don't extend to school closings and wild charter expansionGiven all Rahm's recent mea culpas, the one he hasn't made is about his wholesale school closings, mostly in the black community and his replacement of them with privately-run charter schools. CPS's publication of a
With A Brooklyn Accent: BK Nation Forum Defuses Stereotypes About Opt Out as a "White Movement"
With A Brooklyn Accent: BK Nation Forum Defuses Stereotypes About Opt Out as a "White Movement": BK Nation Forum Defuses Stereotypes About Opt Out as a "White Movement"The BK Nation Forum on Testing and the Opt Out Movement,held at Judson Memorial Church in lower Manhattan last night, represented a powerful challenge to education policy makers who claim testing is a civil right
Three Protagonists Controlling Public Education and Downton Abbey. Time for a *Downstairs* Rebellion. – Missouri Education Watchdog
Three Protagonists Controlling Public Education and Downton Abbey. Time for a *Downstairs* Rebellion. – Missouri Education Watchdog: Three Protagonists Controlling Public Education and Downton Abbey. Time for a *Downstairs* Rebellion.The education reform novel contains characters mimicking actors in Upstairs, Downstairs and Downton Abbey. Education reform and the miniseries delve into the lives o
Time for Education Advocates to Get Behind Bernie Sanders? - Living in Dialogue
Time for Education Advocates to Get Behind Bernie Sanders? - Living in Dialogue:'Time for Education Advocates to Get Behind Bernie Sanders? By Anthony Cody.For the past seven months, I have been holding my breath hoping that Bernie Sanders would follow the logic of his passionate defense of working people and willingness to confront hedge funders and financiers, and apply this thinking to K12 educ
A School's Year in Hell, Through the Lens of a National Board Portfolio Entry - Living in Dialogue
A School's Year in Hell, Through the Lens of a National Board Portfolio Entry - Living in Dialogue: A School's Year in Hell, Through the Lens of a National Board Portfolio Entry By John Thompson.As explained previously, here in part 1 of this three part series, and here in part 2, since my book, A Teacher’s Tale has been released, I’ve been rereading the manuscript’s my first draft and some of its
Torlakson Appoints Division Directors - Year 2016 (CA Dept of Education)
Torlakson Appoints Division Directors - Year 2016 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Torlakson Appoints Division Directors to Help Districts Implement New Academic Standards and New Funding SystemSACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today named Brent Malicote Director of the California Department of Education's (CDE) new Standards Support Office and Jeff Bre
State Board of Education approves charter school policy change :: WRAL.com
State Board of Education approves charter school policy change :: WRAL.com: State Board of Education approves charter school policy changeRALEIGH, N.C. — The State Board of Education voted unanimously Thursday to give newer charter schools more chances to remain open if they are struggling to meet performance standards.Under the old policy, the state board could revoke the charter of any school th
Editorial: Taxpayers assume risk, little gain for charter schools | Tampa Bay Times
Editorial: Taxpayers assume risk, little gain for charter schools | Tampa Bay Times: Taxpayers assume risk, little gain for charter schools Florida has invested heavily in privately run charter schools for years, and the payoff for taxpayers has been uneven at best. While some successful charter schools fill particular needs in local communities, too many have failed and research shows they have n
Deep Pockets, Corporate Reform, and Teacher Education | VAMboozled!
Deep Pockets, Corporate Reform, and Teacher Education | VAMboozled!:Deep Pockets, Corporate Reform, and Teacher EducationA colleague whom I have never formally met, but with whom I’ve had some interesting email exchanges with over the past few months — James D. Kirylo, Professor of Teaching and Learning in Louisiana — recently sent me an email I read, and appreciated; hence, I asked him to turn it
American Rage: The Esquire/NBC News Survey
Let’s Make Community Schools the Schools Our Children Deserve – PCAPS Releases Plan | WeArePCAPS
Let’s Make Community Schools the Schools Our Children Deserve – PCAPS Releases Plan | WeArePCAPS: Let’s Make Community Schools the Schools Our Children Deserve – PCAPS Releases PlanSpring Garden parent Sheila Armstrong speaking at City Hall press conferenceToday, the Philadelphia Coalition Advocating for Public Schools announced theircomprehensive Community Schools platform, developed by over the
1/7/2016 – Five Education Stories To Keep Your Eye On In 2016
1/7/2016 – Five Education Stories To Keep Your Eye On In 2016: Five Education Stories To Keep Your Eye On In 2016January 7, 2016 SubscribeTHIS WEEK: Students Are Over-Stressed … Millions Go To Failed Charter Schools … Instead Of Suspensions … Who Profits From College Debt … Why Standardized Tests SuckTOP STORYFive Education Stories To Keep Your Eye On In 2016By Jeff Bryant“Here are five stories to
A CEO’s Point of View: Children as Products for Corporate Consumers | janresseger
A CEO’s Point of View: Children as Products for Corporate Consumers | janresseger: A CEO’s Point of View: Children as Products for Corporate ConsumersBusiness Gets Schooled, a long piece in the January 1, 2016, issue of Fortune, perches the reader as a fly on the wall of the corporate board room during a conversation among CEOs about public education. This blog has argued that while public school
#TomPorton, Hero Teacher, retires | JD2718
#TomPorton, Hero Teacher, retires | JD2718: #TomPorton, Hero Teacher, retiresI’ll save the comments for later. These are Tom Porton’s words. Please read. – JonathanTo all my friends and supporters:… It is with mixed emotions that I announce that I will be retiring from the New York City Department of Education on February 1, 2016.Looking back on 47 years in education (46 in the James Monroe buildi
Louisiana Educator: Bassett Examines Progress Point Influence on School Performance Scores
Louisiana Educator: Bassett Examines Progress Point Influence on School Performance Scores: Bassett Examines Progress Point Influence on School Performance ScoresWhy question School Performance Scores? The School and District Performance Scores, along with their associated letter grades, were released without fanfare just as schools dismissed for the Christmas holiday. Potentially controversial ne
Wendy Lecker explains - Again - Why the Malloy-Wyman teacher evaluation system is a terrible farce - Wait What?
Wendy Lecker explains - Again - Why the Malloy-Wyman teacher evaluation system is a terrible farce - Wait What?: Wendy Lecker explains – Again – Why the Malloy-Wyman teacher evaluation system is a terrible farceIn her commentary piece last week, public education advocate Wendy Lecker returned to the issue of Governor Dannel Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman’s unfair, inappropriate and fundamenta
All I Really Need to Know I (Should Have) Learned in Kindergarten | EduShyster
All I Really Need to Know I (Should Have) Learned in Kindergarten | EduShyster: All I Really Need to Know I (Should Have) Learned in KindergartenAre no excuses charter schools setting kids up to struggle later by pushing academic skills too hard, too soon? By Emily KaplanThe very youngest children at the charter school at which I taught all start their nine-hour school day in the same way: by reci
Quality Counts - Education Week
Quality Counts - Education Week: QUALITY COUNTSQuality Counts is Education Week's annual report on state-level efforts to improve public education. Published in January.Quality Counts 2016: Called to AccountThis 20th edition of Quality Counts takes a deep look at a welter of issues surrounding educational accountability and how the changes being ushered in by what's widely seen as a scaling back o
With A Brooklyn Accent: Tom Porton's Parting Shot: Why One of the Bronx's Most Brilliant Teachers Decided to Retire
With A Brooklyn Accent: Tom Porton's Parting Shot: Why One of the Bronx's Most Brilliant Teachers Decided to Retire: Tom Porton's Parting Shot: Why One of the Bronx's Most Brilliant Teachers Decided to RetireTo all my friends and supporters:... It is with mixed emotions that I announce that I will be retiring from the New York City Department of Education on February 1, 2016.Looking back on 47 yea
Thinking Big: How to Expand Democratic Schools - Bridging Differences - Education Week
Thinking Big: How to Expand Democratic Schools - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Thinking Big: How to Expand Democratic SchoolsDeborah Meier continues her conversation with Harry Boyte. To read their full exchange, please visit here.Dear Harry and friends,Three things have come together—your pre-Christmas letter being the clincher. My recent medical problems involving when and on whom certa
Public Education Advocates Stall School Takeovers - NEA Today
Public Education Advocates Stall School Takeovers - NEA Today: Public Education Advocates Stall School TakeoversIn late November, students, parents, educators, and community members in Milwaukee, Wis. took a step toward victory when Amy Mizialko, a special education teacher and vice president of the Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA), urged Chris Abele, the city’s county executive, to
Debt-laden Detroit schools need state help -study - Yahoo News
Debt-laden Detroit schools need state help -study - Yahoo News:Debt-laden Detroit schools need state help -studyJan 6 (Reuters) - Detroit's public school district is drowning under $3.5 billion of debt and needs to be rescued by the state of Michigan, according to a report by a nonprofit public affairs group released on Wednesday.The Citizens Research Council of Michigan said debt payments by the
A primer on the damaging movement to privatize public schools - The Washington Post
A primer on the damaging movement to privatize public schools - The Washington Post: A primer on the damaging movement to privatize public schoolsMarion Brady is a veteran educator who has long argued that public education needs a paradigm shift. Brady says schools need a complete transformation in what and how students learn — not the Common Core State Standards, standardized tests and other elem
To the 1 percent pouring millions into charter schools: How about improving the schools that the vast majority of students actually attend? - Salon.com
To the 1 percent pouring millions into charter schools: How about improving the schools that the vast majority of students actually attend? - Salon.com: To the 1 percent pouring millions into charter schools: How about improving the schools that the vast majority of students actually attend?If we really want to improve education for all, we must address income inequality. Charter schools are no cu
Why Wal-Mart family foundation is spending $1 billion on charter schools - CSMonitor.com
Why Wal-Mart family foundation is spending $1 billion on charter schools - CSMonitor.com: Why Wal-Mart family foundation is spending $1 billion on charter schoolsThe Walton Family Foundation has already spent $385 million to help start charter schools in poor communities.LITTLE ROCK, ARK. — A foundation run by the heirs of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton said Thursday it will spend $1 billion over the
Sacramento News & Review - Run, Roger, Run! SN&R’s CEO urges Roger Dickinson to enter city council race - Greenlight - Opinions - January 7, 2016
Sacramento News & Review - Run, Roger, Run! SN&R’s CEO urges Roger Dickinson to enter city council race - Greenlight - Opinions - January 7, 2016: Run, Roger, Run! SN&R’s CEO urges Roger Dickinson to enter city council raceHe may not be running, but he should bePlease join me in supporting former Sacramento County Supervisor and former member of the California state Assembly Roger Dick
California governor to propose increased funding for education | Reuters
California governor to propose increased funding for education | Reuters: California governor to propose increased funding for educationCalifornia Governor Edmund ''Jerry'' Brown attends a meeting during the World Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21) at Le Bourget, near Paris, France, December 5, 2015.REUTERS/STEPHANE MAHECalifornia Governor Jerry Brown on Thursday is set to propose a budget tha
Sen. Bernie Sanders said he opposes privately run charter schools
Bernie Sanders LIVE - Newmarket Town Hall - YouTube: From Politico NO CANDIDATE LEFT BEHIND: At a recent town hall event in New Hampshire, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he opposes privately run charter schools. He said, “If we are going to have a strong democracy and be competitive globally, we need the best educated people in the world. And I believe in public education — I went to public scho
Chicago Teachers Union Joins Demand for Rahm Emanuel, Anita Alvarez To Resign - Working In These Times
Chicago Teachers Union Joins Demand for Rahm Emanuel, Anita Alvarez To Resign - Working In These Times: Chicago Teachers Union Joins Demand for Rahm Emanuel, Anita Alvarez To ResignThe Chicago Teachers Union's House of Delegates, the union's member-led governing body, voted tonight to demand the resignations of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and State's Attorney Anita Alvarez in the wake of the Laquan McDonal
Ed Notes Online: Ding, Dong, Tisch Ends 2 Decades of Destruction as Regent - Memo from NYSAPE
Ed Notes Online: Ding, Dong, Tisch Ends 2 Decades of Destruction as Regent - Memo from NYSAPE: Ding, Dong, Tisch Ends 2 Decades of Destruction as Regent - Memo from NYSAPEhttp://www.nysape.org/nysape-pr-board-regent-candidates.htmlFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 6, 2016More information contact:Lisa Rudley (917) 414-9190; nys.allies@gmail.comJessica McNair (315)-368-7550; themcnairfamily@gmail.comNY
Christie as federal prosecutor: Part One–FBI agents as props carrying empty boxes of “evidence” | Bob Braun's Ledger
Christie as federal prosecutor: Part One–FBI agents as props carrying empty boxes of “evidence” | Bob Braun's Ledger: Christie as federal prosecutor: Part One–FBI agents as props carrying empty boxes of “evidence”They say it all: Pictures of FBI agents hauling what media outlets in 2009 called “boxes of evidence” away from the home and office of former New Jersey Assembly Speaker Joseph Doria (D-H
Report gives children’s services in California more low grades than high ones | EdSource
Report gives children’s services in California more low grades than high ones | EdSource: Report gives children's services in California more low grades than high onesFERMIN LEAL/EDSOURCE TODAYAimee Perez, left, dresses as a doctor as she gives a check-up to Chelsea Conway during their preschool class at Land School in Westminster, Calif. Preschool education received a grade of B- in the 2016 Cali
solidaridad: School choice, it's the new apartheid. Proposition 39 illustrated!
solidaridad: School choice, it's the new apartheid. Proposition 39 illustrated!: School choice, it's the new apartheid. Proposition 39 illustrated!From the Communities & Families Resisting Proposition 39 Charter Colocations group on Facebook. The photograph is from a LAUSD public school with a Proposition 39 charter colocation on its campus. The privately managed charter corporation, with its
Schools Matter: Guest Post: Relay Graduate School of Education: A Policy Brief
Schools Matter: Guest Post: Relay Graduate School of Education: A Policy Brief: Guest Post: Relay Graduate School of Education: A Policy BriefPosted by the Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools on January 6, 2016 This year the Philadelphia School District used training videos on classroom management from The Relay Graduate School of Education as part of its New Teacher orientation. The principa
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 1/615
CORPORATE ED REFORM Court of appeal finally to hear case charging underfunding of schools | EdSourceCourt of appeal finally to hear case charging underfunding of schools | EdSource: Court of appeal finally to hear case charging underfunding of schoolsCREDIT: CALIFORNIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATIONPlaintiffs in the Robles-Wong v. State of California lawsuit announce the case at a press conference in S