Opt Out Parent to US Dept of Education – “We Will Not Comply.”
“The fact that students with the highest needs are being placed in the crossfire of threats from the Federal Government is discriminatory and bullying at best. Picking on our most vulnerable children is a sign of a system in a complete state of dysfunction.” ~Jeanette Deutermann

The following letter was sent on Jan. 5, 2016 to Ms. Ann Whalen, a senior advisor with the US Department of Education from parent Jeanette Deutermann, founder of Long Island Opt Out & NYS Allies for Public Education. In this letter Ms. Deutermann responds to recent threats from the US Department of Education concerning students and parents rights to refuse exams. Jeanette has faithfully reproduced the entirety of Ms. Whalen’s original letter; it appears in italic typeface. Jeanette’s responses appear in bold.
Dear Ms. Whalen & US Department of Education,
Please allow us, the parents, to respond to your latest threats towards our school districts, school officials, educators, and children. Every school district and school official in NY offered the State assessments to EVERY single student. Our districts are in FULL compliance of the law. It is we, the parents, who have refused to Opt Out Parent to US Dept of Education – “We Will Not Comply.” | Creative by Nature: