CURMUDGUCATION: Free Market Bad for Students with Disabilities
CURMUDGUCATION: Free Market Bad for Students with Disabilities: Free Market Bad for Students with Disabilities Disabilities Studies Quarterly, a peer-reviewed quarterly journal, published a paper back in 2012 that makes some sobering points about how a free market approach to schools works out (or not) for students with disabilities. In fact, it has a few sobering things about how free market scho
Doug Harris on the “Every Student Succeeds Act” and Reasons to Continue with VAMs Regardless | VAMboozled!
Doug Harris on the “Every Student Succeeds Act” and Reasons to Continue with VAMs Regardless | VAMboozled!: Doug Harris on the “Every Student Succeeds Act” and Reasons to Continue with VAMs RegardlessTwo weeks ago I wrote a post about the passage of the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA), and its primary purpose to reduce “the federal footprint and restore local control, while empowering parents
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLES Quentin TarantinoQuentin Tarantino“I completely and utterly reject the ‘bad apples’ argument,” Tarantino said. “Chicago just got caught with their pants down in a way that can’t be denied… and the chief of police, is he a bad apple? I think he is. Is [Chicago Mayor] Rahm Emanuel a bad apple? I think he is. They’re all bad apples.
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Charter school proponents, a thread for you
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Charter school proponents, a thread for you: Charter school proponents, a thread for youI am very glad to see that a number of charter school proponents have been active on this blog.That's wonderful. We all benefit from an open discussion that includes a variety of perspectives.It's true that Melissa and I both find charter schools an unnecessary distraction that
Most New York City Elementary Schools Are Violating Disabilities Act, Investigation Finds - The New York Times
Most New York City Elementary Schools Are Violating Disabilities Act, Investigation Finds - The New York Times: Most New York City Elementary Schools Are Violating Disabilities Act, Investigation FindsA two-year federal investigation has concluded that 83 percent of New York City’s public elementary schools are not “fully accessible” to children with disabilities, in violation of the Americans Wit
PEDRO NOGUERA: ‘Beyond Measure: Rescuing an Overscheduled, Overtested, Underestimated Generation’ - The New York Times
‘Beyond Measure: Rescuing an Overscheduled, Overtested, Underestimated Generation’ - The New York Times: ‘Beyond Measure: Rescuing an Overscheduled, Overtested, Underestimated Generation’Kids and their parents collect flyers before a rally against teacher evaluations in front of P.S. 321 in Park Slope, Brooklyn, last March. Credit Jake Naughton for The New York TimesIn the thought-provoking “Beyon
Charter school network raises concerns | SanDiegoUnionTribune.com
Charter school network raises concerns | SanDiegoUnionTribune.com: SD Unified renews Audeo Charter, raises concernsSAN DIEGO — The San Diego school board has awarded the Audeo Charter School a five-year charter renewal for seven storefront campuses despite concerns about the way the organization is managed and public funds are spent.The independent-study program is one of a network of nonprofit gr
Charter School Approval Flea Flicker: Three charter schools closed by CPS file appeals with state | Chicago Sun-Times
Three charter schools closed by CPS file appeals with state | Chicago Sun-Times: Three charter schools closed by CPS file appeals with stateThe Charter School Approval Flea FlickerThree South Side charter schools that were ordered closed by Chicago Public Schools at the end of the academic year have asked the state to give them another shot at educating children.And if the Illinois State Charter C
AP Builds New Multi-Format Team for Education News Coverage - ABC News
AP Builds New Multi-Format Team for Education News Coverage - ABC News: AP Builds New Multi-Format Team for Education News CoverageA new national beat team has been established at The Associated Press to elevate coverage of issues in education, the news cooperative announced Monday.The team will aim to generate more coverage off the news and explore trends affecting students of all ages, using tex
CURMUDGUCATION: Coleman to Catholics: Never Mind Common Core
CURMUDGUCATION: Coleman to Catholics: Never Mind Common Core: Coleman to Catholics: Never Mind Common CoreIn an exclusive interview with Catholic Education Daily, David Colman, architect of Common Core and head honcho at the College Board, offered some of the same old same old. But he also told Catholic schools that they could just nevermind the Common Core.Do Catholics not love the Core? Writer A
The Greatest Gift of 2015 - Lily's Blackboard
The Greatest Gift of 2015 - Lily's Blackboard: The Greatest Gift of 2015In this season of giving, educators, students and parents just received one of the best presents we’ve had in a while: the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The new law places student learning – instead of student testing – at the center of everything educators do.When I count my blessings as 2015 ends, the ESSA will go strai
John White Tells the Truth! Charter Schools are Not About Children or Choice, They are About Cashflow | Crazy Crawfish
John White Tells the Truth! Charter Schools are Not About Children or Choice, They are About Cashflow | Crazy Crawfish: John White Tells the Truth! Charter Schools are Not About Children or Choice, They are About CashflowIn the past I would write posts about John White’s lies. However his lies have become so commonplace (and obvious) that eventually the public stopped paying attention. It was ge
Fisher Letter Boston Globe Refused to Print | Cloaking Inequity
Fisher Letter Boston Globe Refused to Print | Cloaking Inequity: Fisher Letter Boston Globe Refused to PrintThe Boston Globe recently printed an opinion column entitled ‘Mismatched’ black students pay the price of affirmative action. Jeff Jacoby was either grossly ignorant of the facts or simply racially prejudiced.Here is the letter I wrote responding to Jacoby:The columnist neglected to mention
Strike Rochdale from the record books. The Co-op began in Scotland | Business | The Guardian
Strike Rochdale from the record books. The Co-op began in Scotland | Business | The Guardian: Strike Rochdale from the record books. The Co-op began in ScotlandAmateur historians uncover record of weavers who were discount store pioneersIts famous four-letter logo and revolutionary system of profit-sharing - the "divi" - made the Co-op a high street institution, and generations of school
NYC Public School Parents: 2015 year in review: Please give to Class Size Matters to keep us going strong!
NYC Public School Parents: 2015 year in review: Please give to Class Size Matters to keep us going strong!:2015 year in review: Please give to Class Size Matters to keep us going strong!Dear friend:Please consider giving to Class Size Matters, as we rely on your donation to keep our organization going. We had a very busy year and need your support. Please click here to give a tax-deductible dona
Francis Marion Charter School Principal Mary Pinson arrested, accused of stealing funds | Ocala.com
Francis Marion Charter School Principal Mary Pinson arrested, accused of stealing funds | Ocala.com: Francis Marion Charter School Principal Mary Pinson arrested, accused of stealing funds Francis Marion Charter School Principal Mary Pinson was arrested Friday and accused of stealing $20,000 in school funds.Learning that a warrant had been issued for her arrest, Pinson was driven by school officia
Extra: Ohio Governor Kasich and State Supt. Ross Led Planning for Youngstown Takeover | janresseger
Extra: Ohio Governor Kasich and State Supt. Ross Led Planning for Youngstown Takeover | janresseger: Extra: Ohio Governor Kasich and State Supt. Ross Led Planning for Youngstown TakeoverThis blog is on winter break. If there is something important or some earth-shaking news on education, I’ll put out an EXTRA. Otherwise, check for a new post on January 4, 2016. Good wishes to you and yours! Enj
With A Brooklyn Accent: A Little BAT History from Notorious Phd
With A Brooklyn Accent: A Little BAT History from Notorious Phd: A Little BAT History from Notorious PhdNow that the Badass Teachers Association has become a non profit organization, I wanted to review a little BAT history so that my own involvement and disengagement can be more easily understood1. As the excerpt below indicates, I came up with the idea for the Badass Teachers Association as a fun
Why Has the Common Core Not Been Discussed on the Campaign Trail - The Atlantic
Why Has the Common Core Not Been Discussed on the Campaign Trail - The Atlantic: What Happened to the Common Core Debate?Several Republican presidential candidates have backed away from the term, but not the standards. Why?The Common Core was expected to be a ubiquitous subject on the campaign trail in 2016. The education standards had, over time, become a political football as conservatives conde
Complaint cites charter school company's donation to campaign of prospective Utah senator | The Salt Lake Tribune
Complaint cites charter school company's donation to campaign of prospective Utah senator | The Salt Lake Tribune: Complaint cites charter school company’s donation to campaign of prospective Utah senatorViolation? » Complaint cites school servicer’s donation to the legislator-elect, who runs his own such firm.One day after being elected by Republican delegates in South Jordan to replace outgoing
Video - NYC Principal Jamaal Bowman Defies Gag Rule on Opt Out - High Stakes Testing and the Black Community: Just Say No!
Ed Notes Online: Video - NYC Principal Jamaal Bowman Defies Gag Rule on Opt Out - High Stakes Testing and the Black Community: Just Say No!: Video - NYC Principal Jamaal Bowman Defies Gag Rule on Opt Out - High Stakes Testing and the Black Community: Just Say No!Jamaal Bowman has become a leading voice, for the opt out movement, along with MORE UFT Presidential candidate Jia Lee, who often partner
Malloy and Dems take giant step backwards as World Leaders negotiate effort to save the Earth from Climate Change (updated) - Wait What?
Malloy and Dems take giant step backwards as World Leaders negotiate effort to save the Earth from Climate Change (updated) - Wait What?: Malloy and Dems take giant step backwards as World Leaders negotiate effort to save the Earth from Climate Change (updated)NOTE: Updated with responses from Malloy administration agenciesHeralded as ground breaking legislation designed to promote energy efficie
Common Core Architect Says Don’t Abandon Traditional Catholic Ed Students ‘Will Do Superbly’ on New SAT Exam
EXCLUSIVE: Common Core Architect Says Don’t Abandon Traditional Catholic Education, Students ‘Will Do Superbly’ on New SAT Exam: EXCLUSIVE: Common Core Architect Says Don’t Abandon Traditional Catholic Education, Students ‘Will Do Superbly’ on New SAT Exam David Coleman, president of the company responsible for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and Advanced Placement (AP) exams and a chief archit
The ‘worst and dumbest’ education program of the year could get even worse - The Washington Post
The ‘worst and dumbest’ education program of the year could get even worse - The Washington Post: The ‘worst and dumbest’ education program of the year could get even worseThere are a lot of bad ideas in education — really awful. But back in July, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune ran an editorial about a new one-year program in Florida under the headline “Worst and dumbest,” and it’s hard to argue with
Foreign teachers flock to Mississippi teaching jobs
Foreign teachers flock to Mississippi teaching jobs: Foreign teachers flock to Mississippi teaching jobsJACKSON, Miss. -- Hundreds of educators from the, India and elsewhere from outside the U.S. are in Mississippi classrooms teaching in hard-to-fill positions and in rural areas.Superintendents in ,, Holmes County, and have all hired foreign teachers on temporary visas called H-1Bs, along with ot
Who Is Shaping Notions of 'Right' Parent Involvement? | The Conversation US
Who Is Shaping Notions of 'Right' Parent Involvement? | The Conversation US: Who Is Shaping Notions of 'Right' Parent Involvement?As parents, you are constantly walking on a thin line. If you don't show up at the school enough, it's assumed you don't care about your child's education; show up too much and you're a "helicopter parent" who suffocates your child and her/his teachers by your
After No Child Left Behind, What’s Next For Texas Schools – Houston Public Media
After No Child Left Behind, What’s Next For Texas Schools – Houston Public Media: After No Child Left Behind, What’s Next For Texas Schools“If anything this is a bill that could really empower parents, teachers, citizens who care about public schools to say, ‘Let’s make this flexibility work for us in creative ways by claiming a vision for our kids.'”There’s a new law for public schools in Texas a
These Education Protests Got Results In 2015 | ThinkProgress
These Education Protests Got Results In 2015 | ThinkProgress: These Education Protests Got Results In 2015It’s been a year of robust student protests that have effectively highlighted racial and economic inequality in both K-12 and higher education. And unlike previous years, 2015 has made it clear to students that these protests can yield results.From student debt activists attending meetings and
Berkeley Study of Charter Schools in Los Angeles | UC Berkeley - Graduate School of Education
Berkeley Study of Charter Schools in Los Angeles | UC Berkeley - Graduate School of Education: Berkeley Study of Charter Schools in Los AngelesThe Los Angeles Unified School District hosts more charter schools than any system in the nation. After tracking more than 66,000 sampled students over a four-year period, these new findings inform three pivotal questions:Do charter schools serve students a
How Charter Schools Skim and Scam Public Money - CAPITAL & MAIN
How Charter Schools Skim and Scam Public Money - CAPITAL & MAIN: How Charter Schools Skim and Scam Public MoneyGet this. In some states, charter school operators can purchase school buildings from public school districts — using taxpayer money. That’s right. The public pays twice for a building it no longer owns.This scheme and many others are detailed in the National Education Policy Center’s
LA charter school study: who benefits? | Berkeley News
LA charter school study: who benefits? | Berkeley News: LA charter school study: who benefits?Children entering charter schools in Los Angeles already outperform peers who attend traditional public schools, then pull ahead even a bit more, especially those attending charter middle schools, according to a study released today from the University of California, Berkeley.Pupils who enter charter elem
How new tools meant to help special education students take standardized tests actually made it harder - LA Times
How new tools meant to help special education students take standardized tests actually made it harder - LA Times: How new tools meant to help special education students take standardized tests actually made it harderSpecial education teacher Julia Kim now teaches at George Moscone Elementary School. Last year, she administered the state's new standardized tests at a different school in San Franci
IS SUPREME COURT JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA A RACIST? - Perdaily.com: IS SUPREME COURT JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA A RACIST?(Mensaje se repite en Español)While I have never much liked conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, I would take exception with calling him a racist for the following comments he recently made during oral arguments in theFisher v. University of Texas at Austin case:"Th
Republicans keep pressing for tenure, layoff, evaluation reforms | EdSource
Republicans keep pressing for tenure, layoff, evaluation reforms | EdSource: Republicans keep pressing for tenure, layoff, evaluation reformsRepublican legislators are continuing to push for passage of three California teacher reform bills, but it’s unclear what the status of the bills will be when the Legislature convenes in January.The Assembly Education Committee spent three hours discussing th
A Bit About The "End" of No Child Left Behind | The Jose Vilson
A Bit About The "End" of No Child Left Behind | The Jose Vilson: A Bit About The “End” of No Child Left BehindI’m not a fan.I do think we need to have a nation education reform. I do believe that there should be as much federal oversight as possible in the name of equity. I just happen to disagree vehemently with the folks who’ve been doing education reform on the state and federal level
No Threat Left Behind: New York City Stifles Opt Out | Michael Elliot
No Threat Left Behind: New York City Stifles Opt Out | Michael Elliot: No Threat Left Behind: New York City Stifles Opt Out Co-Writer Kemala KarmenDeputy Director, Co Founder NYC PublicWith more than 200,000 students -- or nearly 1 in 5 of all eligible test takers--refusing to sit for annual standardized tests, New York State made headlines last spring for leading the nation in sheer number of opt
BustED Pencils Trending News: Religon; Evolution?; Stopped! | BustED Pencils
BustED Pencils Trending News: Religon; Evolution?; Stopped! | BustED Pencils: BustED Pencils Trending News: Religon; Evolution?; Stopped!Fired-Religous Struggle-In Social Studies U.S. History Class.Muslim Teacher Fired After Showing Malala Videohttp://www.bluejersey.com/2015/12/3-5/“…disregarding science in favor of a particular religious belief is unconstitutional,” writes Stephen D. Foster Jr.11
Everything you need to know: December solstice 2015 | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky
Everything you need to know: December solstice 2015 | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky: Everything you need to know: December solstice 2015December solsticeDecember solstice 2015 is coming on December 21 or 22 (depends on your timezone). Celebration time!Sunlight on Earth, on the day of the winter solstice. The north polar region of Earth is in 24-hour darkness, while the south polar region is in 2
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 12/20/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMSeattle Schools Community Forum: Washington State Fight between Fully-Funding Public Ed and Charter SchoolsSeattle Schools Community Forum: Washington State Fight between Fully-Funding Public Ed and Charter Schools: Washington State Fight between Fully-Funding Public Ed and Charter SchoolsBeware of AstroTurf Ed Reformers Just Like Michelle Rhee's Students first only BETTERAstrot