PAA responds to President Obama’s letter on testing | Parents Across America
PAA responds to President Obama’s letter on testing | Parents Across America: PAA responds to President Obama’s letter on testingOn Monday, President Obama published an open letter to parents and teachers about testing.The letter introduced his administration’s new Testing Action Plan which is supposed to fix the problems of excessive testing. The plan defines a set of testing principles for state
Peg with Pen: U.S. Dept. of Ed. and Educational Warfare
Peg with Pen: U.S. Dept. of Ed. and Educational Warfare: U.S. Dept. of Ed. and Educational WarfareObama has done a stellar job of launching a mainstream campaign to alert the public to his deep concerns around too much testing, the need for better testing, and testing that we embrace and love. Please remember, those who have destroyed your public schools won't suddenly do an about face to save the
Three Candidates Seek Two School Board Seats | South Pasadena Now
Three Candidates Seek Two School Board Seats | South Pasadena Now: Three Candidates Seek Two School Board Seats Election on TuesdayNPE Action Endorses Dr. Suzie Abajian - NPE Action http://bit.ly/1MXCEAhThree candidates are seeking two seats on the South Pasadena Unified School District Board of Education as residents go to polls next Tuesday, November 3, to cast votes. Joe Loo is the incumbent an
CURMUDGUCATION: StudentsFirst Weak Core Endorsement
CURMUDGUCATION: StudentsFirst Weak Core Endorsement: StudentsFirst Weak Core EndorsementAndy Cuomo's Common Core Task Force is supposed to be busily working today to come up with a new name for the Common Core to carefully examine and consider educational modifications to the Core because it's politically expedient to do so because it's politically expedient to do so.StudentsFirst NY was only too
Jersey Jazzman: Charter Schools, An Exchange: Part IV
Jersey Jazzman: Charter Schools, An Exchange: Part IV: Charter Schools, An Exchange: Part IVDmitri Mehlhorn and I continue our exchange about charter schools.Part I: Mehlhorn's opener.Part II: My reply.Part III: Mehlhorn's response. Leave your thoughts in the comments below. We'll go one more round before we finish this series. Again, my thanks to Dmitri for participating in this debate.* * *Dmitr
Billionaires for Bronin - Wait What?
Billionaires for Bronin - Wait What?: Billionaires for BroninHartford voters can thank Connecticut’s 4th wealthiest resident for helping provide Luke Bronin with the money he wanted in order to run for Mayor of Connecticut’s Capital City.In fact, as Greenwich native and Hartford newcomer Luke Bronin eagerly awaits being elected Hartford’s next Mayor, he will need to thank many people for funding h
CURMUDGUCATION: Ask Arne: Testing and Accountability
CURMUDGUCATION: Ask Arne: Testing and Accountability: Ask Arne: Testing and AccountabilityYou know I'm a huge fan of the Ask Arne video series, because who doesn't enjoy seeing their tax dollars used to produce little pieces of high tech advertising for failing policies? You can read about previous Ask Arne videos here, here, here, and here.Today's entry was put up on December 9, but seems linked
Obama Fails on Testing | Alan Singer
Obama Fails on Testing | Alan Singer: Obama Fails on TestingBarack Obama is a pretty smart guy, so it is amazing that even his efforts to compromise on high-stakes standardized testing are so far off. On testing he keeps failing the test.After six years of pushing high-stakes testing as part of his Race to the Top education initiative, Obama decided there is now too much testing in American school
Outside groups disappointed over LA Unified's search process - LA School Report
Outside groups disappointed over LA Unified's search process - LA School Report: Outside groups disappointed over LA Unified’s search processSure, they can go to any of the communitymeetings. Sure, they can fill out asurvey online. But, ultimately, outside groups say they want a seat at the table when deciding the next LA Unified school superintendent.At a special session after a closed session on
7 percent of U.S. kids have had a parent in jail
7 percent of U.S. kids have had a parent in jail: 7 percent of U.S. kids have had a parent in jailMore than 5 million children in the U.S. have had a parent in jail. That’s roughly 7 percent of the nation’s kids 17 and under, or one out of every 14 children.Findings from Child Trends — a nonprofit based in Maryland — explores “the prevalence of parental incarceration and child outcomes associated
Merrow vs Moskowitz: What Happens to Those Who Speak Out? - Living in Dialogue
Merrow vs Moskowitz: What Happens to Those Who Speak Out? - Living in Dialogue: Merrow vs Moskowitz: What Happens to Those Who Speak Out? By John Thompson.While I disagree with PBS’s ombudsman, Michael Getler, I believe we should take his statement on John Merrow’s News Hour finale as a learning experience opportunity for education activists. Then we can make it a teachable moment for the non-educ
How the New SAT Test Is Taking Cues from Common Core - The Atlantic
How the New SAT Test Is Taking Cues from Common Core - The Atlantic: How the Common Core Is Transforming the SATThe college-admissions test is being restructured as an extension of the controversial public-school reading and writing standards.High-school students who enjoy obscure vocabulary and puzzle-like math problems might want to sign up for the SAT now, before the 89-year-old college-admissi
For American-Israeli Teacher, Death Came on the No. 78 Bus - The New York Times
For American-Israeli Teacher, Death Came on the No. 78 Bus - The New York Times: For American-Israeli Teacher, Death Came on the No. 78 BusBEIT SHEMESH, Israel — Richard Lakin’s funeral on Wednesday was touching in the tiny, usual ways. His grown son tearfully recalled a man who began every morning with a banana and a chuckle. His teenage granddaughter thanked him for teaching her to ride a bike a
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Drug War: A Brilliant Strategy to Divide People Along Racial Lines When All Boats are Sinking
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Drug War: A Brilliant Strategy to Divide People Along Racial Lines When All Boats are Sinking: The Drug War: A Brilliant Strategy to Divide People Along Racial Lines When All Boats are SinkingDuring the last thirty years, working class incomes in the US have fallen sharply The vast majority of income gains in the US during those years have accrued to people in the top 2
NAEP Scores Stagnate; Test-and-Punish Flops; But Duncan’s New Plan Fails to Change Course | janresseger
NAEP Scores Stagnate; Test-and-Punish Flops; But Duncan’s New Plan Fails to Change Course | janresseger: NAEP Scores Stagnate; Test-and-Punish Flops; But Duncan’s New Plan Fails to Change CourseThe biennial NAEP scores were released yesterday. Diane Ravitch knows a lot about the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the NAEP. Appointed by President Bill Clinton, she served on the National
Increasing Access to Education Hasn’t Fixed America’s Inequality - The Atlantic
Increasing Access to Education Hasn’t Fixed America’s Inequality - The Atlantic: Education Reform and the Failure to Fix Inequality in AmericaAn abridged history of the misleading connection between classroom opportunity and economic mobilityAs the U.S. continues to reckon with a widening income gap between the wealthiest Americans and marginalized communities, politicians and advocates have often
Opinion: An Inconvenient Truth About President Obama’s Testing Plan - NJ Spotlight
Opinion: An Inconvenient Truth About President Obama’s Testing Plan - NJ Spotlight: OPINION: AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH ABOUT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S TESTING PLANCapping standardized testing at 2 percent of instruction time should overjoy the opt-out movement. So why are they outraged?On Saturday President Obama proposed a “Testing Action Plan” (TAP) that urges states to cap student standardized testing at n
Prepared Testimony for the People’s Budget Town Hall | Seattle Education
Prepared Testimony for the People’s Budget Town Hall | Seattle Education: Prepared Testimony for the People’s Budget Town HallThe City of Seattle’s newly created Department of Education and Early Learning will spend $235 million over the next seven years on various education initiatives. This money gives the city a lot of leverage to pursue its vision of what it wants public education to look like
NEA President: NAEP Results Signal What Needs to Change to Better Serve Students - NEA Today
NEA President: NAEP Results Signal What Needs to Change to Better Serve Students - NEA Today: NEA President: NAEP Results Signal What Needs to Change to Better Serve StudentsThe National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)—known as The Nation’s Report Card—was released on Wednesday and the results caused a stir in the education community. Overall, students’ math and reading scores dropped or
Democracy 'Experiments': Alternatives to Traditional Schools - Bridging Differences - Education Week
Democracy 'Experiments': Alternatives to Traditional Schools - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Democracy 'Experiments': Alternatives to Traditional Schools Deborah Meier continues her conversation with Harry Boyte. To read their full exchange, please visit here.Dear Harry and friends,Democracy does, indeed, become an empty word in the absence of any real experience with it—lived experience.
At a Success Academy Charter School, Singling Out Pupils Who Have ‘Got to Go’ - The New York Times
At a Success Academy Charter School, Singling Out Pupils Who Have ‘Got to Go’ - The New York Times: At a Success Academy Charter School, Singling Out Pupils Who Have ‘Got to Go’From the time Folake Ogundiran’s daughter started kindergarten at aSuccess Academy charter school in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, the girl struggled to adjust to its strict rules.She racked up demerits for not following direction
Connecticut BEWARE of Governor Malloy’s most fiscally irresponsible proposal yet. - Wait What?
Connecticut BEWARE of Governor Malloy’s most fiscally irresponsible proposal yet. - Wait What?: Connecticut BEWARE of Governor Malloy’s most fiscally irresponsible proposal yet.“Gov. Dannel P. Malloy outlined Wednesday a sweeping plan to overhaul state government’s pension system.” – CT Mirror 10-29-2015Governor Dannel Malloy’s state budget, that took effect last July 1, is already a quarter of a
Demand Better Schools, Not Fewer Tests - Bloomberg View
Demand Better Schools, Not Fewer Tests - Bloomberg View: Demand Better Schools, Not Fewer TestsPresident Barack Obama is in danger of squandering one of his most important legacies -- better public education policies -- and doing real harm to our poorest students and America’s future.Over the weekend, the president and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan called for limiting the amount of time that
California students score near bottom in math and reading
California students score near bottom in math and reading: California students score near bottom in math and readingCalifornia students' test scores are among the worst in the nation.The state that some call the "world's 8th largest economy" is producing students that score among the lowest in the United States in reading and math, according to the San Jose Mercury News.The National Asse
Data: Majority of Nevadans seeking school vouchers live in upscale suburbs - Las Vegas Sun News
Data: Majority of Nevadans seeking school vouchers live in upscale suburbs - Las Vegas Sun News: Data: Majority of Nevadans seeking school vouchers live in upscale suburbsThis week, the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office released a trove of data regarding applications for Nevada’s education savings accounts.It’s the first peek into who is applying for Nevada’s voucher-like program, the most sweeping
So what if teachers hate No Child Left Behind? - The Washington Post
So what if teachers hate No Child Left Behind? - The Washington Post: So what if teachers hate No Child Left Behind?On a warm September evening along coastal Georgia, Lily Eskelsen García, the face of 3 million teachers, paused to balance another plate of fried chicken and shake another hand. It was early evening and she was standing in a room at the Savannah Arts Academy, surrounded by parents, t
Unions Are Basically Dead and That's Really Bad - The Atlantic
Unions Are Basically Dead and That's Really Bad - The Atlantic: Farewell to America's Middle Class: Unions Are Basically DeadThe U.S. is one of the only rich countries that has reached the (incorrect) conclusion that organizing workers is counterproductive.For a group of presidential candidates who claim to be interested in the plight of the American worker, it was surprising that the five Democra
Unions form national coalition to ward off attack by right wing | United Federation of Teachers
Unions form national coalition to ward off attack by right wing | United Federation of Teachers: Unions form national coalition to ward off attack by right wingThe American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have joined together with other publicsector unions to combat the right’s attempt to use a case before the U.S. Supreme Court to hamstring them financially by abolis
Kaya Henderson’s Calendar: Fundraising, Fundraising, and More Fundraising - Loose Lips
Kaya Henderson’s Calendar: Fundraising, Fundraising, and More Fundraising - Loose Lips: Kaya Henderson’s Calendar: Fundraising, Fundraising, and More FundraisingOn a given day in the course of running the 47,000-student D.C. Public Schools system, Chancellor Kaya Henderson could be handing out iPads, reading to elementary school kids, or haggling with a councilmember.But running one of the country
Um, Kentucky — and other reactions to the national drop in NAEP scores - The Washington Post
Um, Kentucky — and other reactions to the national drop in NAEP scores - The Washington Post: Um, Kentucky — and other reactions to the national drop in NAEP scoresThe 2015 numbers for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) are out, and scores are down. In fact, as my Post colleague Emma Brown reports, math scores for fourth-graders and eighth-graders across the United States dropp
Cuomo names Common Core critic to key education post | Long Island Business News
Cuomo names Common Core critic to key education post | Long Island Business News: Cuomo names Common Core critic to key education postGovernor Andrew Cuomo today announced that Jere Hochman, a school superintendent and former English teacher who has been a vocal critic of the Common Core, was named deputy secretary for education.Hochman since 2008 has been the superintendent of the Bedford Central
The NAEP Indictment of Corporate Reform | deutsch29
The NAEP Indictment of Corporate Reform | deutsch29: The NAEP Indictment of Corporate ReformOn October 28, 2015, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released the 2015 “Nation’s Report Card”– the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores.Students across the nation are randomly selected to complete the NAEP, which is given approximately every two years in two areas (r
Randi and Eva: Stop Suspending Our Babies! | Reggie Harris
Randi and Eva: Stop Suspending Our Babies! | Reggie Harris: Randi and Eva: Stop Suspending Our Babies!This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the #BlackStudentLivesMatter forum in Oakland, California. At this event I had a chance to hear many compelling stories, including the story of Cameron Simmons, the Youth Advocate from Restorative Justice Oakland Youth; the story of a boy who was first
A Sample Opt Out Letter | Seattle Education
A Sample Opt Out Letter | Seattle Education: A Sample Opt Out LetterStandardized testing has started in Seattle Public Schools.Wondering when your child will be tested? Curious what tests will be given at your school? Here are the links to the SPS assessment calendar. Click here for the testing schedule for grades K-8. For grades 9-12, click here.Opting out is the most powerful tool parents have
Bloomberg: Obama and Duncan are making a wrong turn over testing - The Washington Post
Bloomberg: Obama and Duncan are making a wrong turn over testing - The Washington Post: Bloomberg: Obama and Duncan are making a wrong turn over testingFormer New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg says that President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan are “making a grave mistake” by pledging to reduce the amount of standardized tests mandated in U.S. schools.In an essay first published Tues
Malloy announces new fiscal strategy based on the notion of “Putting Head in Sand.” - Wait What?
Malloy announces new fiscal strategy based on the notion of “Putting Head in Sand.” - Wait What?: Malloy announces new fiscal strategy based on the notion of “Putting Head in Sand.”For the past five years, Governor Dannel Malloy has steadfastly refused to properly address Connecticut’s failure to properly fund its long-term obligations, including the state’s two pension funds and state employee po
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 10/28/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMSchool-Sponsored Violence Against Children: When Will We End Corporal Punishment? - Living in DialogueSchool-Sponsored Violence Against Children: When Will We End Corporal Punishment? - Living in Dialogue: School-Sponsored Violence Against Children: When Will We End Corporal Punishment?By Anthony Cody.The shocking video of an African American high school girl being violently gra