Hillsborough schools to shelve Gates-funded experiment that cost $100M+ to implement

In Seattle we are working on an estimate of the cost of all the standardized tests that are being taken by students in our school district as well as estimating the cost of implementing the Common Core Standards in the district which includes everything from texts, to lesson plans and coaches to “coach” the teachers and staff.
In 2011 Sue Peters and I came up with an estimate for the cost of the MAP test roll-out. From the post 15 Reasons Why the Seattle School District Should Shelve the MAP® Test—ASAP:
2. Too costly. MAP® = an unfunded mandate. The initial subscription to the test cost $370,000. But the district has spent much more since then in implementation costs. A portion of the $7.2 million Gates Foundation grant to SPS in 2009 went toward MAP®. Another $4.3 million of the February 2010 school levy was also earmarked for MAP®. Some believe that the proposed $2 million network capacity upgrade currently before the school board is also associated with the test. By some measures, MAP® has cost our school district as much as $10 million.
[UPDATE: The yearly subscription/licensing cost for MAP® was estimated to be $500,000 per year, according to SPS staffer Brad Bernatek and then-Broad Resident Hillsborough schools to shelve Gates-funded experiment that cost $100M+ to implement | Seattle Education: