What Happens When Highly Effective Instructors Are Not Good Teachers?

It is fanciful to suggest that a single score on a standardized test is somehow going to assess the overall effectiveness and quality of a teacher or even begin to measure the impact a teacher has had on his or her students and how that will be manifested and revealed in their future endeavors and accomplishments.
Many reformers are also convinced that a standardized test score will provide evidencethat a student is “on track” to be ready for college and careers.
Unfortunately, the decision to couple standardized tests with the Common Core Standards and to attach high stakes for accountability purposes will often distort classroom instruction and actually diminish student readiness.
While the Common Core Standards may claim to “ensure” that all students will be ready for diverse colleges and careers, classroom instruction is focused primarily on preparing students for standardized tests.
It seems ed reformers are not aware that employers are not hiring text-dependent thinkerswho have been trained to correctly answer Common Core multiple choice questions by disregarding plausible answers…
“It’s not a multiple-choice world, employers say. Don’t send us graduates who only know how to solve multiple-choice problems…Today, educators all over the U.S. are reinventing liberal education in ways that blend the best strength of the liberal arts and sciences…including their constant focus on real-world contexts and decision-making in situations where the answer isn’t clear cut.”
In Defense Of A Liberal Education, Carol Geary Schneider, Forbes 8/10/09
More recent interviews with CEOs and other executives have confirmed the disconnect between Common Core test preparation and employer expectations…
Respondents said students lack self-awareness, can’t work in teams,What Happens When Highly Effective Instructors Are Not Good Teachers? | WagTheDog: