NYSUT Takes a Stand. Or Is it a Sit?

If not standards, then what? A free-for-all? Everyone does what they please? No common base? No common method to look at what they're doing?
This is a black and white logical fallacy, acknowledging no other option but chaos to the program in whichBill Gates invested billions, including contributions to AFT. Judging from Magee's assertions, we were having gunfights in the street before Bill Gates and his billions came along to save us. Though Magee went on to offer the boilerplate rationale about implementation being at fault, this is a blatant broken promise. This was followed, of course, by a refusal to endorse Zephyr Teachout or Howie Hawkins, despite a handout that compared Cuomo to Scott Walker.
Not that the English scores have risen a whopping .1%, and math scores 5%, after the cutoffs being lowered, Magee is singing the same old song:
Karen Magee, president of the New York State United Teachers union, said the union is “certainly pleased to see scores rising,” but cautioned that “students are more than a test score.”
From her mouth, this amounts to another empty platitude. Where's the Revive promise to oppose Common Core? Where's the Revive promise to oppose Cuomo, who they likened to one of the most union-unfriendly figures in living memory? Where's the Revive promise to move out of the NYC Educator: NYSUT Takes a Stand. Or Is it a Sit?: