Edushyster Blows Up Democracy Prep 100% Grad Rate and New Yorker Shill Piece
I was going to do a piece on the New Yorker article on the publicity seeking Democracy Prep but was so spitting mad I couldn't think straight. To our rescue comes Edushyster. Did DP give UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon a speaker's fee as part of the PR machine hype, which to charters like DP is their most important operations? Just askin'.I was in a DP co-located school in Harlem a few years ago
Bruce Baker: Charters are Parasites
Here is the Ravitch post with the link to Bruce's piece:Bruce Baker has studied Newark charters repeatedly. As he shows in this post, their greatest success is their ability to skim the students who are most likely to succeed. Some if his findings about their academic growth–or lack thereof-may surprise you. Charters are parasites, he concludes, that harm their host. Making the entire district ch
Gary Gives Advice to an upcoming TFAer
And to TFA: Shame on you for disrespecting this woman by not providing her adequate training. And shame on you for having no concern for the 150 to 200 students who she is about to teach. Teachers who only taught a few fourth graders reading and math for sixteen hours are most certainly not going to close any achievement gaps in their first year teaching middle school science. There is a reaso
Newark Confidential - Turnaround Children Inc. Transparency Grade: F
[Cami] Anderson refuses to respond to open requests for information, and Turnaround officials are equally evasive... Attempts to contact New Jersey Education Commissioner Chris Cerf have been met with similar silence..... Ted CohenCami Anderson, one of Joel Klein's hatchet women, now Supt of Newark schools, won't share info? Shocking.Guest Editorialby Ted Cohen The top school official in a major
7-16-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Video – MORE Summer 2013: High Stakes Testing and the Schools Our Children DeserveMORE kicked off the summer series by taking a look at the effects of high stakes testing in our schools. Parents from Change the Stakes joined us to discuss why a growing parent movement against the high stakes nature of these tests is mounting not just in NYC but statewide and nationally. We discuss