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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reminders of What's Possible - Bridging Differences - Education Week

Reminders of What's Possible - Bridging Differences - Education Week:

Reminders of What's Possible

Dear Diane,

Your California trip sounded wonderful. (I realize I'm a little late in saying this. By now you've probably been to half a dozen other states!) I'm encouraged by your positive experiences and that you can keep up the pace. I'm encouraged also by the shift in the language of politics of late, surely stimulated by the Occupy movement. Inequality now is at the top of list. Perhaps, fingers crossed, there will always be openings for pushing a pro-democracy agenda.

Meanwhile, I've been here and there meeting such wonderful, if often demoralized, colleagues: Baltimore is an interesting place (all charters are unionized, and the number of interesting ones encouraging). And Rochester, N.Y., where I met with the union president and the superintendent. It's an atypical city, too, and full of signs of hope.

We won't always win, and democracy is not a sure bet by any means, but the drive for personal liberty and our