Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, October 31, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: A Challenge For Every NJ Newspaper:

Jersey Jazzman: A Challenge For Every NJ Newspaper::

A Challenge For Every NJ Newspaper:

So many of you are convinced that firing our way to better teachers is absolutely necessary. You even claim it will close the income gap (oh, Tom, I really am trying to be civil, but you make it so hard when you won't evenattempt to answer my points). OK...

With whom will you replace these fired teachers?

Who is all teed up and ready to hit the ground running in these schools? Who's ready to go in and save our youth? Teach for America? You mean, the college grads who treat teaching like the Peace Corps - in for a couple of years before moving on to their "real" jobs?

Here's a thought: send some reporters out to some NJ colleges and see what the undergrads think about

Merit Pay Fairy Sighting in Trenton!

Believers in the Merit Pay Fairy get very cross when you tell them she doesn't exist. They claim she will come, but only if we clap harder!
New Jersey Senate President Stephen Sweeney says he could support merit pay in classroom so long as schools, not individual teachers, are rewarded.
The South Jersey Democrat tells The Associated Press a merit pay bill that rewards schools for exceeding educational expectations could be debated before the