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Monday, July 4, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: Sometimes, I Just Don't Understand My Union #neara11

Jersey Jazzman: Sometimes, I Just Don't Understand My Union

Sometimes, I Just Don't Understand My Union

OK, I understand that every Republican presidential contender would be far, far worse for teachers and schools than Barack Obama - despite his mealy-mouthed acquiescence to the corporate reformers. But why did the NEA have to endorse him right now? Doing so makes it look like Obama and Arne Duncan are being rewarded for their fealty to charter schools and standardized testing.

I guess I can live with this; maybe NEA senses Obama needs the money early. Lord knows I do not want President Bachmann or President Perry or President Romney setting national education policy in 2013.

What I really can't understand, however, is why NEA would pass a resolution that both supports and doesn't support using standardized testing for teacher evaluations:
The National Education Association just approved a policy statement on teacher