Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, June 2, 2011

solidaridad: LAUSD's Nury Martinez Slanderously calls an Echo Park Mother a Racist

solidaridad: LAUSD's Nury Martinez Slanderously calls an Echo Park Mother a Racist

LAUSD's Nury Martinez Slanderously calls an Echo Park Mother a Racist

Ms. Martinez's response to this parent's impassioned speech is so despicable and deplorable, that I will need time to calm down and write an article speaking truth to her corporate power and vicious vindictiveness. To call this mother, who embodies multiculturalism, inclusiveness, and community, a racist goes far beyond the pale. In fact Ms. Martinez should seriously consider stepping down from her position. Unconscionable, but the LAUSD Board Members serving the privatizers and corporate charters have no scruples whatsoever. While the video shows Ms. Martinez tried to backtrack from her initial vicious slanderous attack, it's clear what she said and what her intentions were. Deasy and company want our communities' voices silenced and want us to accept the imposition of privatized schools without any dissent.

I'm a founding member of the Southern California Immigration Coalition, I've stood on the border in Campo California against vile Minutemen, Klansman, Birchers, and other assorted white supremacists. I've dedicated a

Robert D. Skeels on KPFK Pacifica Radio

I was interviewed for this story by Ernesto Arce of KPFK News on the day of the LAUSD District 5 runoff election, Tuesday May 17, 2011. The voices of social justice and public school advocacy are beginning to be heard!

Bennet Kayser vs. Luis Sanchez, LAUSD Board | by Ernesto Arce KPFK News

[click here if you can't listen to this audio]