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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rick Scott hits a new low « Tangerine, Florida

Rick Scott hits a new low « Tangerine, Florida

Rick Scott hits a new low

Florida Governor Rick Scott has come up with a novel way to reverse his negative ratings with the public. Instead of meeting with newspaper editorial boards, he’s asking his supporters to write postive letters to the editor about his work for taxpayers. Printed below is a copy of the e-mail he sent out to his supporters. As one might expect, it’s full of lies and misleading statements. But could we expect otherwise?

Dear Editor,

When Rick Scott ran for Governor he promised to create jobs and turn our economy around. I voted for Rick because he’s always been a businessman, not a politician. While politicians usually disappoint us and rarely keep their promises, Rick is refreshing because he’s keeping his word. His policies are helping to attract businesses to our state and get people back to work. Some of the special interests are attacking the Governor for making