- January 27, 2011 | A nonprofit that examines the authorization of charter schools gave good marks Thursday to the Los Angeles Unified School District -- a finding that may surprise some local chart... - WASHINGTON, DC (TWP)In national news, President Obama said he wants to put an end to the backlash against teachers who don’t work in the summer by paying them to do so. His plan calls for compensat... - SEATTLE—The sponsor of a bill that would make teacher effectiveness the main determining factor during layoffs says the proposal is worth billions of dollars in school improvement. But the presiden... - 28 January 2011 Last updated at 07:02 ET By Angela Harrison Education correspondent, BBC News The Education Secretary Michael Gove has said all new schools in England should ideally be academies or... - A proposal being pushed by Senate Republicans would shift state money to cash-strapped suburban districts by cutting back preschool for the state’s neediest students, according to a document outlin... - Developers seeking city approval to build a football stadium downtown as well as Democratic financier and producer Stephen Bing were among the major contributors to a committee set up to support Ma... - January 29, 2011 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- It was pancakes and bowling on the campaign trail Saturday for mayoral candidate Gery Chico. He greeted diners Saturday in a pancake house on the far South Side.... - While California’s university system is undergoing rigorous cutbacks, the state’s K-12 schools are planning on building and adding jobs. Gov. Jerry Brown’s new budget calls for a cut of $500 millio... - A picture of Michelle A. Rhee, from a recent Newsweek cover, hangs above Interim Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson's desk. It shows her outspoken mentor and friend seated at an old-style classroom ... - By Jamel Major - bio | email | Facebook MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) - Experts said Thursday one effect of a Memphis and Shelby County Schools merger could be a boom in enrollment in private schools.Memphi... - It just may be that Kaya Henderson, the interim chancellor of D.C. schools who was tapped to succeed Michelle Rhee, doesn’t want the job permanently.My colleague Bill Turque wrote an insightful sto... - The courts neglected to subtract out the value of the education the girls would have received at their assigned school, which was likely much less than $30,000. Even so, this case clearly reveals t... - I didn't want to let this day go by without acknowledging the date. It is the 25th anniversary of the Challenger explosion. More American schoolchildren probably watched that launch (or knew about ... - Online learning is sweeping across America. While roughly 45,000 K-12 students took an online course in the year 2000, more than 3 million K-12 students did in 2009. What was originally a distance-... - Chancellor Cathie Black showed what she has learned and what she hasn't in her first month on the job on NY1 last night.Chancellor Cathie Black’s interview on Inside City Hall last night is worth w... - Published: Friday, January 28, 2011, 5:43 PM Updated: Friday, January 28, 2011, 5:57 PMThe board's decision is an attempt to reunite the school after a year of conflict, which stemmed from teac... - Ever since I started writing about the killing of Jeremiah Sterling, my friend Brendan Shiller has been pushing back, telling me that my because I focus so much on the actual violence and loss, I’m... - Arne Duncan will be here Monday to talk to Morehouse students about teaching.Less than 2 percent of the nation’s teachers are black males.U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, film director Spike L...

coopmike48 - One of our most-discussed stories this week, and the news item that was all over our Twitter feed, was that of Kelly Williams-Bolar, an Ohio mother sentenced to jail for illicitly sending her two d...

coopmike48 - One of the many unproven large-scale experiments on NYC kids is the rapid move towards more CTT (inclusion) classes for special needs children who were formerly in more small scale settings. The pu...

leoniehaimson - Published: Friday, Jan. 28, 2011 11:09 p.m. MST OREM — Every chair in the seventh grade science classroom has a student — 32 in all sit side by side at the black lab tables, learning about cell cyc... - THE WORKERS of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority know how important the turnpike is to moving goods and people throughout the northeast region. Uncertain future for turnpike toll collectors. We rec...

coopmike48 - Published at 3:08 pm, January 28, 2011 Spanish language network Univisión has established itself as the new player in the war for network ratings.Within the next five years, its goal is to develop ...

coopmike48 - by Celeste Lavin When the young teacher attending a panel discussion about men of color and education stood up to tell Superintendent Arlene Ackerman that the School District’s constant bureaucrati... - Editorial The parent trigger — which allows parents to force radical change at lower-performing schools if at least half sign a petition — is an intriguing reform wrapped in a sloppily written law.... - As regular readers know, I have my students do regular, anonymous, evaluations of our classes and me, and post the results — warts and all — here, along with some analysis (You can see previous pos... - In a year of tight funding, Baltimore County's teachers union and some school board members are questioning Superintendent Joe A. Hairston's budget priorities, which would cut the number of teacher... - Proposal would shift N.J. money to suburban school districts by cutting preschool hours | NJ.comPublished: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 8:05 AM Updated: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 8:06 AMA proposal... - WHITTIER - Manuel Baca, Rio Hondo College government professor and Mt. San Antonio College trustee, has been named to a statewide task force aimed at improving student success at California communi... - The decision to name South Philadelphia High School a Promise Academy is an alarming move for a school community that deserved to go through at least one year without dramatic upheaval and chaos.So... - January 29th, 2011 by Larry Ferlazzo As most readers know, Rahm Emanuel is favored to become the next Mayor of Chicago, where there is mayoral control of public schools. In his response to the ques... - Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 29, 2011 Today the first installment of RAW Education News Radio covered a post-State of the Union press conference with Secretary Arne Duncan on President Obama's e... - MEDIA ADVISORY CONTACT: Julie Woestehoff 773-715-3989 Leonie Haimson 917-435-9329 New national organization, Parents Across America, launches with in... - "President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan's 'Race' has nearly $5 billion as a lure to persuade states to climb aboard the express train to privatization." Diane Ravitch"Not everything th...

Education - January 27, 2011 | A nonprofit that examines the authorization of charter schools gave good marks Thursday to the Los Angeles Unified School District -- a finding that may surprise some local chart...
coopmike48 - WASHINGTON, DC (TWP)In national news, President Obama said he wants to put an end to the backlash against teachers who don’t work in the summer by paying them to do so. His plan calls for compensat...
coopmike48 - SEATTLE—The sponsor of a bill that would make teacher effectiveness the main determining factor during layoffs says the proposal is worth billions of dollars in school improvement. But the presiden...
coopmike48 - 28 January 2011 Last updated at 07:02 ET By Angela Harrison Education correspondent, BBC News The Education Secretary Michael Gove has said all new schools in England should ideally be academies or...
leoniehaimson - A proposal being pushed by Senate Republicans would shift state money to cash-strapped suburban districts by cutting back preschool for the state’s neediest students, according to a document outlin...
coopmike48 - Developers seeking city approval to build a football stadium downtown as well as Democratic financier and producer Stephen Bing were among the major contributors to a committee set up to support Ma...
DianeRavitch - January 29, 2011 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- It was pancakes and bowling on the campaign trail Saturday for mayoral candidate Gery Chico. He greeted diners Saturday in a pancake house on the far South Side....
DelValle4Mayor - While California’s university system is undergoing rigorous cutbacks, the state’s K-12 schools are planning on building and adding jobs. Gov. Jerry Brown’s new budget calls for a cut of $500 millio...
coopmike48 - A picture of Michelle A. Rhee, from a recent Newsweek cover, hangs above Interim Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson's desk. It shows her outspoken mentor and friend seated at an old-style classroom ...
coopmike48 - By Jamel Major - bio | email | Facebook MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) - Experts said Thursday one effect of a Memphis and Shelby County Schools merger could be a boom in enrollment in private schools.Memphi...
coopmike48 - It just may be that Kaya Henderson, the interim chancellor of D.C. schools who was tapped to succeed Michelle Rhee, doesn’t want the job permanently.My colleague Bill Turque wrote an insightful sto...
mikeklonsky - The courts neglected to subtract out the value of the education the girls would have received at their assigned school, which was likely much less than $30,000. Even so, this case clearly reveals t...
mikeklonsky - I didn't want to let this day go by without acknowledging the date. It is the 25th anniversary of the Challenger explosion. More American schoolchildren probably watched that launch (or knew about ...
coopmike48 - Online learning is sweeping across America. While roughly 45,000 K-12 students took an online course in the year 2000, more than 3 million K-12 students did in 2009. What was originally a distance-...
coopmike48 - Chancellor Cathie Black showed what she has learned and what she hasn't in her first month on the job on NY1 last night.Chancellor Cathie Black’s interview on Inside City Hall last night is worth w...
coopmike48 - Published: Friday, January 28, 2011, 5:43 PM Updated: Friday, January 28, 2011, 5:57 PMThe board's decision is an attempt to reunite the school after a year of conflict, which stemmed from teac...
coopmike48 - Ever since I started writing about the killing of Jeremiah Sterling, my friend Brendan Shiller has been pushing back, telling me that my because I focus so much on the actual violence and loss, I’m...
mikeklonsky - Arne Duncan will be here Monday to talk to Morehouse students about teaching.Less than 2 percent of the nation’s teachers are black males.U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, film director Spike L... coopmike48 | - One of our most-discussed stories this week, and the news item that was all over our Twitter feed, was that of Kelly Williams-Bolar, an Ohio mother sentenced to jail for illicitly sending her two d... coopmike48 | - One of the many unproven large-scale experiments on NYC kids is the rapid move towards more CTT (inclusion) classes for special needs children who were formerly in more small scale settings. The pu... leoniehaimson | - Published: Friday, Jan. 28, 2011 11:09 p.m. MST OREM — Every chair in the seventh grade science classroom has a student — 32 in all sit side by side at the black lab tables, learning about cell cyc...
leoniehaimson - THE WORKERS of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority know how important the turnpike is to moving goods and people throughout the northeast region. Uncertain future for turnpike toll collectors. We rec... coopmike48 | - Published at 3:08 pm, January 28, 2011 Spanish language network Univisión has established itself as the new player in the war for network ratings.Within the next five years, its goal is to develop ...
coopmike48 - by Celeste Lavin When the young teacher attending a panel discussion about men of color and education stood up to tell Superintendent Arlene Ackerman that the School District’s constant bureaucrati...
leoniehaimson - Editorial The parent trigger — which allows parents to force radical change at lower-performing schools if at least half sign a petition — is an intriguing reform wrapped in a sloppily written law....
leoniehaimson - As regular readers know, I have my students do regular, anonymous, evaluations of our classes and me, and post the results — warts and all — here, along with some analysis (You can see previous pos...
coopmike48 - In a year of tight funding, Baltimore County's teachers union and some school board members are questioning Superintendent Joe A. Hairston's budget priorities, which would cut the number of teacher...
coopmike48 - Proposal would shift N.J. money to suburban school districts by cutting preschool hours | NJ.comPublished: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 8:05 AM Updated: Saturday, January 29, 2011, 8:06 AMA proposal...
coopmike48 - WHITTIER - Manuel Baca, Rio Hondo College government professor and Mt. San Antonio College trustee, has been named to a statewide task force aimed at improving student success at California communi...
coopmike48 - The decision to name South Philadelphia High School a Promise Academy is an alarming move for a school community that deserved to go through at least one year without dramatic upheaval and chaos.So...
coopmike48 - January 29th, 2011 by Larry Ferlazzo As most readers know, Rahm Emanuel is favored to become the next Mayor of Chicago, where there is mayoral control of public schools. In his response to the ques...
tbfurman - Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 29, 2011 Today the first installment of RAW Education News Radio covered a post-State of the Union press conference with Secretary Arne Duncan on President Obama's e...
coopmike48 - MEDIA ADVISORY CONTACT: Julie Woestehoff 773-715-3989 Leonie Haimson 917-435-9329 New national organization, Parents Across America, launches with in...
leoniehaimson - "President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan's 'Race' has nearly $5 billion as a lure to persuade states to climb aboard the express train to privatization." Diane Ravitch"Not everything th...