Washington Teachers' Union Election Tampering: Time To Impeach George Parker?

The email below was written by an elected member of our elections committee condemning Washington Teachers' Union President George Parker and his failure to hold union membership meetings as promised and required under the WTU Constitution and by-laws. Thomas O'Rourke who also happens to be a building representative at Roosevelt Senior High School notes that the elections committees efforts to conduct our teachers' union elections have been impeded by President George Parker's failure to turn over the necessary documents (i.e. membership lists and nominating petitions). Tom's correspondence reiterates what Claudette Carson, WTU Elections Committee chairperson has been saying all along that Parker's refusal to cooperate with the elections committee has effectively cancelled this years election and will prolong his term in office beyond June 30, 2010 which O'Rourke notes is a theft of our union resources. Tom states that Parker deserves impeachment which I believe is a constitutional remedy for dictators like Parker. He (O'Rourke) demands an immediate convocation of a trial committee to be formed to address the charges against Parker and believes that his email will fall on deaf ears by