Dems trim jobs bill to woo moderates: Economic relief legislation pared back as union leaders and business lobby battle behind scenes...
Teach for America expands into Detroit: The national organization will send 100 of the top college graduates from across the U.S. to teach at public and charter schools in the city.
How should we teach our future teachers?: Ball said the people who will someday replace the nation's 3.8 million teachers need to learn how to do the same things in the right way, much like doctors who are all trained to deliver a baby, suture a wound and give a shot...
Ann Curry Cites Wrong School's Alumni in Speech: In a commencement speech to graduates at Wheaton College in MA on Saturday, the 'Today' show's Ann Curry named some of the famous alumni they were joining. Unfortunately, the graduates she named, including Billy Graham, went to a different Wheaton College -- an evangelical school in Illinois with the same name.