State System of Higher Education refuses talks over retiree buyouts
By JAN MURPHY, The Patriot-News
April 11, 2010, 9:33PM
View full sizeKen Jarin, chairman of the State System of Higher Education’s board of directorsSeeking to cut costs, the State System of Higher Education is offering its unions financial incentives for some members to retire, and all but one union has accepted.
Five labor unions at the 14 state universities have accepted the offer that pays those who qualify as much $30,000 to leave this summer.
However, the leader of the faculty union has rejected the incentive. Steve Hicks, president of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties, said he wants to pursue talks with system officials in hopes of finding a deal both can accept.
Ken Jarin, chairman of the state system’s board of directors, said he had no interest in discussing the matter with the faculty union.
“We made our proposal and every other union agreed to it and APSCUF chose not to. We’re disappointed by that,” Jarin said after Thursday’s meeting of the state system’s board.
The system, which serves 117,000 students, faces serious financial