All my textbooks came from Texas. Chances are that what's inside the textbook sitting on school desks across America was written according to standards outlined in either Texas or California.
Now, the impoverished Sunshine State is crossing off that line item. And so goes the state's traditionally liberal point of view. Texas is now the dominant buyer of school textbooks, and the Board of Education there is currently in the process of rewriting standards for content.
An investigative report by the Washington Monthly reveals that a small bloc of activists has considerable sway in setting those standards. Among other things, activists aim to eliminate referneces to breast self-exams and Cesar Chavez, discredit evolutionary theory, replace the word "democrat" for "republican" when describing our system of government, and downplay the achievements of the Civil Rights Movement. In addition, they hope to rehabilitate the image of Joseph McCarthy, bring global-warming denial into science class.