Did you Know?
• Nationwide, California has the largest number of charter schools serving the largest number of students
• There are currently more than 800 charter schools with over 285,000 students enrolled
• 85% of charter schools are start-up; 15% are conversion
• 77% of charter schools are site-based and 23% are nonclassroom based
• Of the 58 counties in California, 50 have charter schools. Los Angeles County has the largest number of charter schools (193), followed by San Diego County (74)
• 71% of California charter schools are direct funded; 29% are funded through their authorizing agency

• Charter schools, though successful in raising student achievement, are closing their doors due to their lack of knowledge about managing the business and fiscal requirements of their schools.
• As of 2007-08, 949 charter schools had been created in California since 1992-93; only 692 charters, or 72%, were still active in 2007-08.
• CDE data shows nearly two-thirds (65%) of all charter schools that closed since 2004 reported positive trends in API growth and failed for reasons unrelated to successful academic performance.
• Both the authorizers with oversight responsibility and the charter schools they serve need to better understand and meet their respective responsibilities.