CALPIRG Scorecard - How Did Your Representative Vote? | California Progress Report
CALPIRG compiles an annual legislative scorecard for all members of the California legislature, to educate the public about their representatives' voting records and hold elected officials accountable.
Our 2009 scorecard focuses on key consumer votes in the legislature.
Find out how your State Assemblymember voted here.
Find out how your State Senator voted here.
Thirteen state Senators and twenty-five state Assemblymembers received 100 percent scores for their strong record of voting to protect consumers, rather than special interests.
The average score in the Assembly is 66 percent. The average score in the Senate is 65 percent.
Most of the bills scored here faced tough opposition from insurance companies, banks and/or mortgage brokers, the chemical industry or other powerful interests. Several of the bills succeeded and were signed into law. Unfortunately, many good consumer laws did not make it through the legislature, or were vetoed by the governor.
Successful new laws that we scored include:
AB 260: A new law protecting consumers from
Kevin O'Leary Gets an F in Education
There are some dumb ideas that just won't die, and all it takes is some
over-inflated rich guys with a platform to keep them alive.
Enter Kevin O'Leary, a ...
27 minutes ago