Miguel Cardona’s confirmation hearing as U.S. Secretary of Education will take place this Wednesday. You can watch the hearing live at 10:00 am EST here.
We believe he should immediately waive the requirement for spring testing. You can find our letter to him here. We are delighted that 74 national, state, and local public education advocacy groups signed that letter, along with nearly 12,000 friends of our nation’s children and public schools.
Our letter to Dr. Cardona appeared yesterday in The Washington Post. It is now our job to bring that message to Dr. Cardona and his team.
Beginning today, send the following tweets:
I stand with 74 organizations calling for a waiver on standardized testing this spring! https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2021/01/30/biden-administration-urged-allow-states-cancel-spring-standardized-testing/ Read why @teachcardona @POTUS @usedgov @BeKindDreamBig
12,000 friends of children are begging, no spring testing this year. We need a waiver, @teachcardona @POTUS @usedgov @BeKindDreamBig . See the organizations. Read the names. Cancel the tests. @teachcardona @POTUS @usedgov @BeKindDreamBig
When you send your tweet, please download and attach this image.
Capitalizing on parental discontent regarding schooling during COVID 19, right-wing, anti-public school members of state legislatures are introducing and pushing a flurry of terrible school voucher legislation. In many state legislatures, they are now the majority.
Join Public Funds, Public Schools and NPE this Thursday at 4:00 pm. to
learn what is happening and what you can do.
Register here.
Mark your calendar for the new date for our national conference. Due to the ongoing dangers posed by COVID-19, we have re-scheduled our National Conference to October 23 and 24, 2021. Our conference will still take place at the same location, the Doubletree Hotel in Philadelphia. We will be sending more information to registrants shortly. Know that your conference registration is secure, as is our commitment to speakers and panels.
Thank you, always, for all that you do.