Trapped On a Runaway Train to a Public School Disaster
Congratulations, America.
We did it.
I’m a public school teacher and the father of a public school student.
I spent the last 9 weeks of class trying to create a new on-line curriculum for my 7th and 8th grade students out of thin air. Meanwhile, I had to assure my 11-year-old daughter that everything was okay during a global pandemic that robbed her of friends and teachers – all while trying to help her with her own school work.
And now at the end of June during Summer break I look at the upward curve of Coronavirus infections in the United States, and I want to cry.

We had this thing on a downward trajectory in May. It continued until about the CONTINUE READING: Trapped On a Runaway Train to a Public School Disaster | gadflyonthewallblog