Transcending Terrible

April 20, 2019, marks the twentieth anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School. At the time, I was attending the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, one hour away from Columbine, working on my doctorate.
On this twentieth anniversary of the Columbine High shootings, I am visiting Colorado. I have discussed with friends the statewide school closings that occurred only days ago when a Florida high school student infatuated with the Columbine High killings flew to Colorado on April 15, 2019, and purchased a shotgun and ammunition. She was later found dead on Mount Evans; her death is a suspected suicide.
Indeed, the world can be a terrible and frightening place.
During the same trip, I had the pleasure of spontaneously hearing a friend rehearse on the pipe organ in an old church with marvelous acoustics, and I was able to listen from the loft where the organ pipes are located. The rich, powerful sound vibrated the walls and ceilings as my friend practiced the postlude for an upcoming Easter service.
Such a fine, fine moment.
It amazes me that a person can perform music using both hands and both feet CONTINUE READING: Transcending Terrible | deutsch29