Gadfly’s Choice – Top 5 Blogs (By Me) You May Have Missed from 2015

There are an awful lot of great blogs out there.
Especially if you’re into education. But many are telling the same story.
You don’t hear much about it in the mass media, yet our public schools are being systematically starved to death. They’re being set up to fail while the vultures of privatization and free enterprise drool over the corpse.
Phony philanthropists offer schools fake donations with more strings attached than Pinocchio and noses twice as long. To secure these financial “gifts,” schools are forced to pay out more than they receive for reforms that ultimately benefit the benefactor more than the beneficiary.
And even when these philanthro-capitalists are absent, our government is pretending to hold schools accountable by forcing them to enact these sameunproven, disproven or counter-factual policies that actually make things worse. Then when these schemes fail, lawmakers use that as a justification to close schoolsand gift them to for-profit companies who squeeze every ounce of profit they can from what’s left while further cheating students out of resources.
It’s a scam, a heist, a racket – and you’re paying for it with your tax dollars.
But if you’ve been reading the plethora of excellent edu-blogs out there, you already know this.
Who writes about this public school shakedown? Often it’s the same teachers, parents, professors and bonafide education experts whom policymakers haveexcluded from the conversation.
As a public school teacher, myself, with more than a decade in the classroom, a masters degree and a national board certification, my empiricism and experience is not valued. So like many folks burdened with real-world knowledge, I write a blog.
In only a year and a half, I’ve had more than 487,000 hits and 9, 208 followers. In my last post I listed my 10 most popular articles from 2015.
Today I propose to continue a tradition I stole from fellow blogger Russ Walsh. I Gadfly’s Choice – Top 5 Blogs (By Me) You May Have Missed from 2015 | gadflyonthewallblog: