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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Okay, now we know where Rahm lives...

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Okay, now we know where Rahm lives...

Okay, now we know where Rahm lives...

What about Burge torture case?

The good news is that hopefully now, with the where-does-Rahm-really-liveissue behind us, Emanuel will finally be facing some tougher questions.

In Thursday's debate for example, both Rahm and Gery Chico got ripped pretty good. Most everyone I talked with or read, who witnessed the debate, (including Huffington's Will Gizzardi) thought that Miguel del Valle came out on top and that Emanuel seemed lost and ill-prepared.
NBC Chicago came out with a "scorecard" of the debate: Miguel pulled down an A, Chico got a B, Emanuel scored a C, and Carol Moseley Braun came in last in their estimation with a C-.
What I find most interesting and disturbing has been the lack of any mention of the Jon Burge case. The Burge