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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ASCD Inservice: Duncan Denies Waiver, But Kansas May Catch Rebound

ASCD Inservice: Duncan Denies Waiver, But Kansas May Catch Rebound

Duncan Denies Waiver, But Kansas May Catch Rebound

KansasThe Kansas State Board of Education's long-shot bid seeking a waiver of NCLB's 2013–14 deadline for all students to be proficient in reading and math has been denied by the U.S. Department of Education.

The news is neither surprising nor discouraging to those interested in similar flexibility. It's just not the right time. "Not now . . . but let's talk later," federal officials seem to be whispering to states.

To be sure, the denial is consistent with Secretary Duncan's oft-stated position that it is premature to be issuing NCLB waivers—particularly from the sine qua non of the federal education law—while ESEA reauthorization is pending in Congress (dim as those prospects may be). But the implied message seems to be that once ESEA reauthorization is no longer a legislative possibility this Congress, then Duncan is prepared to reauthorize portions of the law through regulatory changes (or at least this is the hope of common core