Latest News and Comment from Education

Tuesday, May 16, 2023




Education is the key to success, but what if the key is being handed over to the wrong hands? That seems to be the case with Hillsdale College and American Classical Education (ACE), two institutions that are promoting MAGA policies and ending public schools. Who knew that Common Core is a MAGA core value?

Hillsdale College, a private liberal arts college in Michigan, is known for its conservative political views. In fact, its president, Larry Arnn, is a close advisor to former President Donald Trump. Arnn has been a vocal critic of public education, claiming that it is "failing" and "indoctrinating" students with "left-wing ideology." Well, we can't have that, can we? We need to make sure our children are indoctrinated with the right-wing ideology instead.

But that's not all. ACE, a charter school group affiliated with Hillsdale College, has also been accused of promoting right-wing policies and ideologies. In 2019, it was revealed that ACE had received funding from the Koch brothers, a wealthy conservative family known for their support of school choice and charter schools. Because who needs public education when you can have private schools that promote your own agenda?

And if that's not enough to make you raise an eyebrow, ACE schools have also been using a curriculum that includes lessons on the "Great Replacement Theory," a white supremacist conspiracy theory that claims white people are being replaced by non-white people. I mean, why teach actual facts and evidence-based theories when you can teach conspiracy theories instead?

All of these ties to right-wing groups and ideologies have raised concerns about the future of public education. Critics worry that these groups are trying to undermine public education and replace it with a system of private schools that promote their own agenda. But hey, at least they're transparent about their lack of transparency.

The rise of Hillsdale College and ACE is part of a larger trend of conservative groups working to undermine public education. These groups are motivated by a desire to promote their own agenda and reduce the role of government in education. Because who needs a government that promotes education for all when you can have a government that only promotes education for those who can afford it?

But it's not just the ideological agenda that's concerning. The lack of transparency from both Hillsdale College and ACE is equally alarming. ACE has refused to release information about its finances and curriculum, making it difficult to assess the impact of ACE schools on students and public education as a whole. Because who needs accountability when you can just trust that they're doing what's best for your child?

It's time to take a step back and ask ourselves: what kind of education system do we want for our children? Do we want a system that promotes a narrow ideological agenda and lacks transparency? Or do we want a system that provides a quality education for all students, regardless of their background or ability to pay? Because let's face it, the only thing worse than an uneducated populace is an uneducated populace with an agenda.

As the saying goes, "the pen is mightier than the sword." So let's use our pens (or keyboards) to advocate for a better education system, one that puts the needs of students and society first. Let's not hand over the key to education to those who are more interested in promoting their own agenda than in providing a quality education for all. Because at the end of the day, the only thing that should matter in education is the education itself, not the political agenda behind it.

Hillsdale applications hint at links between charter school and Common Core – Tennessee Lookout