Listen to This – Nineteen for 2019
Nineteen meaningful comments and quotes from 2019 from my blog and others…
Making Laws About Teaching
Perplexing but not surprising- people who are most judgmental & outspoken about the qualifications necessary to perform a job are typically those people who have never done the job.
Hey Kindergarten, Get Ready for the Children.
…it is not a five year old’s job to be ready for kindergarten– it is kindergarten’s job to be ready for the five year olds. If a test shows that the majority of littles are not “ready” for your kindergarten program, then the littles are not the problem– your kindergarten, or maybe your readiness test, is the problem. The solution is not to declare, “We had better lean on these little slackers a little harder and get them away from their families a little sooner.” Instead, try asking how your kindergarten program could be shifted to meet the needs that your students actually have.
Punishing third graders
Now we are witnessing the other consequences of the Third Grade Threat—pushing inappropriate instruction down to kindergarten, as anxious CONTINUE READING:Listen to This – Nineteen for 2019 | Live Long and Prosper