To celebrate the 30th annual California Day of the Teacher, educators took the opportunity to say "thank your" to their teachers. Below you’ll find a selection of these. Want CTA to publish your "thank you"?Submit your comments today.
Ellen DoskeyThank you Miss Edwards for introducing me to Shakespeare when I was in high school. I love him to this day.
Amy McHenryMs. McHenry, thank you for being an inspiration. You were and are an incredible math teacher and I am blessed to be able to work with you now as I now teach our students. I'm so thankful to have you as my mentor, but especially my friend.
Mary MelnickI want to thank my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Smith who taught me that my thoughts and ideas were valuable. I will never forget her. She is my role model of what makes a great teacher!
Jocelyn ColtrinThank you, Dr. Marilyn Whirry, most excellent English teacher at Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, Calif. You taught me how to write an essay, and now, I'm an 8th Grade English teacher at Slater Middle School.
KathyEugene Fellows inspired me with her exciting presentations of American history, creative projects and fantastic sense of humor. We put Custer on trial, reenacted the Constitutional convention and debated many details in history. Thank you for all the hard work.
Jose AguirreTo Ms. Beck My ninth grade Social Studies teacher from El Rancho High School in Pico Rivera. Thank you for believing in me enough to recommend me for Honors TEAM. Because of your gesture, I see every one of my students as able to rise to the occasion. Jehovah bless you always for your kindness and trust.
Joy PierceThank you Mrs. Emery, You made third grade at Toluca Lake Elementary, in North Hollywood Calif. a memorable year. In fact it was so memorable, that I became a teacher. Thanks for seeing the best in me. Sincerely, Joy Pierce (Glassmire)
TarraI'd like to thank Mme. Williams, my French teacher at CHS for four years. She made learning a new language fun and you could tell she really cared about us not only as students, but as people. Thanks Madame W!
Dale BorgesonI want to thank Mr. Stratton my sixth grade teacher. I remember him as a very soft spoken man who got the respect from the students because he respected them. I also remember that he was a very hard working guy. I would see him working part time pumping gas at the station my parents frequented. I want to thank Mr. Stratton for doing read alouds with our class. I still remember coming in from lunch to hear the next chapter of "Island of the Blue Dolphins" back in 1965.
Liz LandrumDear Miss Brown, I was a shy third grader that had not learned to read. This was the fifth school that I had attended. You taught a second-third combo. Your little bunch of third graders were slower than the students in the other classes. So, instead of having reading groups you used plays and poems. This was just the inspiration I needed. I can still recall being the mouse in the Christmas play. We had to memorize our lines by reading them over and over again. When I moved for the sixth time in January, I was a reader. In fact, I did so well that I was tested and put into the Mentally Gifted Minor (MGM) program. Forty years later, I am celebrating 25 years of teaching. My life has been blessed a hundred fold. I have only to thank my God and teachers like you. You made a difference in my life! My sincere thanks, Liz
Lorrie K. Andrade-BeamTo Mr. Delgado, my 4th grade teacher: Thank you for giving me a voice and teaching me how to be a respectful rebel; thank you for showing me the powerful tool that education can be, and for inspiring in me a love of learning. You'll never know how important these things have been to my development academically, socially, and spiritually. To Mr. Martinez: Thank you for being such an incredibly motivating role model. Good teaching is good teaching no matter what the subject. I use your teaching model in my classes to this day. But above all, thank you for inspiring me to dream, and to dream big. To Ted Hamilton: Thank you for showing me that you can meld passion and critical thinking to create a beautiful environment in which meaningful growth, both academic and personal, can occur. Finally, to all teachers that I've had the pleasure of learning from...Mahalo nui loa...thank you.
Rori GarfinkelThank you Ellie Goldstein for trusting your students to run our classroom! You gave me confidence I didn't have before and you taught me how to be a leader. I will always remember our little "co-op"!
Nancy De Yager GilchristMr. Tell, You were a most incredible middle school teacher for so many of us. I really appreciate your upbeat attitude and how you made learning "cool" for so many of us in the late ’60s. I realize this may not actually get to you, but it's lovely to be able to recognize you in this manner.
Barbara BentleyThank you Mrs. Gloria Takahashi. You re-ignited my belief in myself. I was floating through High School, and you directed me toward the sciences. You believed in me, and showed me how to be successful. I can honestly say you were one of the most important teachers of my life.
Diana LananeThank You to Bruce Collel of Camarillo, Calif. You are an inspiring teacher and made each day at high school bearable. Having music as a safe place was such a great help in my life! Thank you!
Terry BurnsI was that student who liked all her teachers and was influenced by all of them.I loved school and did well. When I was in 6th grade, I had a hard time personally as my parents were divorcing and I was diagnosed with a serious illness. Mr. Hoover was my 6th grade teacher who never failed to compliment me, never failed to make sure I felt competent and nurtured. thanks so much. You stand out among all my excellent teachers!
Molly ByrneThanks for being a teacher at Faiwood Byrnie! It wouldn't be the same without you! Lippy
Sharon LaneI'm sixty-four, so I know my counselor at James Monroe High School in the San Fernando Valley is either retired, or gone on to the "big classroom in the sky". She changed my life. I had scheduled myself into the non-college prep senior history class. When I went in to get out of it, she placed me in the class with all of the geniuses in my graduating class, to teach me a lesson. That made me so angry, that I aced the class! She taught me that you can out-work smart. That has made all the difference. Thank you "Mrs I Can't Remember Your Name", but I'll never forget your impact!
Kathryn BrewerI wish to thank Mrs. Rita Morgan! She was an outstanding master teacher! Thank you!
Deanne CedarThank you to my first music teacher, Lynette Van Voris, Bell Intermediate, Garden Grove. I remember when she walked into my third grade classroom to recruit for the instrumental elementary program. From that day forward, music has been my passion and I share my passion for music everyday to my band students.
Terry BurnsI was that student who liked all her teachers and was influenced by all of them.I loved school and did well. When I was in 6th grade, I had a hard time personally as my parents were divorcing and I was diagnosed with a serious illness. Mr. Hoover was my 6th grade teacher who never failed to compliment me, never failed to make sure I felt competent and nurtured. Thanks so much. You stand out among all my excellent teachers!
Lisa Ward Lingo-JungCheryl Bird, PE Teacher at Kerman High School. She was my inspiration for everything! She believed in me as a mediocre athlete (tennis); she believed in me as a student; she believed in me as a teacher's aide; and she believed in me as the Girl Athletic Association's President my senior year. Mrs. Bird was my mentor. Three years after graduating high school, we were pregnant together for the first time and due around the same time. I've continued to keep in contact with her over the years, but not as often as I would like. Thank you for this opportunity to page homage to one of the finest!
Jennifer GalvinMy second grade teacher, all those years ago, inspired me to be a teacher. Miss Harrington was a wonderful, heart-filled- with-love teacher, who loved this so shy, small, fragile girl, who had no confidence and the loss of her father so young. She believed in me, and gave the biggest, best hugs a child could remember. I loved her, and from that day on, knew I was going to be a teacher just like her. I've never had the chance to find her and thank her for her inspiration - I've been teaching 21 years now, and my days today are like my first. My love for teaching is as strong now, if not stronger, than it was when I started in 1991. Thank you Miss Harrington, for being a hero to me! I can only hope and pray my students will look at me, as I have always looked at you!
Danitsa Matich FinchI want to thank Sue Ellen Grenko for inspiring and encouraging me in 1970-3. I will never be able to thank her enough for my (so far) 33 fabulous years of teaching high school English and Spanish!
PamMy fifth grade teacher made an impact on me, during personal struggles of having my mother leave my family at the beginning of the school year. My mind wasn't on school, but somehow Ms. Harggis made me feel important, even though I wasn't feeling so special. She showed me how life was what ever you made it, as she shared the importance of life choices. I didn't talk much, so I don't think she would even remember me, but she sat me right in front of her so every word she spoke was inspirational. She never knew what I was going through, no one did, because I didn't tell anyone my secret. Nevertheless, she was so understanding and spoke words that motivated me to do the same. I am now a teacher at the same elementry, Heliotrope ES, because I want to be the Ms. Harggis for all our students that needs us.
Janice WalkerThank you Sandy Quigg for inspiring me. Hope you're well!
Carlos SolisDear Mr. Shackleton, Thank you for taking the time to notice the potential in me when no one else did! You're unselfish actions through patience and loving kindness will forever be etched on my heart. It is because of your "going above and beyond" attitude that I was able to persevere and leave a life of gangs, drugs and a really bad home life. I hope as a teacher, I've been able to "pass it forward." I really don't have the words to express my gratitude for what you did for me, but I will say I am glad God made our paths cross!! Sincerely and with a very grateful heart, Carlos Solis : )
Jeanine WackermanThank you to Sally Lord and Nicole Moranda for inspiring me to become a teacher. It was your dedication and devotion to young people that I took for granted in my past and now truly admire and emulate.
Stephanie CecenaFor all of the great memories I have of third and fourth grade (square dancing, dissecting a cow's eye, and the wonderful plays we performed)...thank you, Mrs. Castillo!
Trena Wright I have had many wonderful teachers , and they were rare jewels. Ms. Juanita Robinson, Ms. Gladys White, Ms. Lekus, Ms. Vawter, and Mr. Raymond Bandar are the five who were amazing. Their personalities are unique and they really inspired me to love learning, take on challenges, and give my all! I will always love and appreciate them.
Kathy GreenThank you Sister Mary Thomasina. WHen that terrible tragedy struck my family and me you were the only person that I could bare my true feelings to. The letters we exchanged were more powerful than any other options during that difficult 12th year of life. When I went into teaching I had no intention of teaching middle school, yet I have spent more than 20 years being there for 12 year olds. Playing forward the blessing you gave to me has been a wonderful way to spend my lifetime. Thank you. Love, Kathleen
Erin HaleI would just like to say thank you to all of the teachers I've ever had. All the way from preschool through college. Because no matter how much I loved you, or how badly you got on my nerves (with all that you asked of me, lol), I am where I am in life today because of what you taught me. Being a teacher has shown me what and important and difficult job educators have. We are SO underpaid, underrated overworked and under appreciated. I know that we don't hear it enough, so on this teacher day I would like to say to all of my fellow educators that I appreciate you and thank you for all that you do!
Nancy Pealer JohnsonI am retiring this year and I cherish the last 21 years as a Special Education teacher. I know I have reached for the stars. I like to thank all my teachers and colleaques who had influenced me along the way. You have definitely reached for the stars - you teach as Christa McAuliffe said.
Eleanor Dear Ms. Aldrich, It's the Day of the Teacher, and you came to mind. You have been such a relentless advocate for students, believing in their potential and contributing to their growth. I just had to give you the recognition that comes all too rarely for great teachers like you. Thank you for your belief in me and my love of learning. Teachers like you make learning come alive! Warm regards, Gerri McNenny
Debbie PhilleyThank you to my 5th grade teacher Ms. Steptoe who taught at Towne Ave Elementary School in Carson, CA in 1970. She not only was a creative and engergetic teacher, but she taught me about the importance of social justice and civil rights. She literally changed the course of my life regarding tolerance and speaking out for injustices agaisnst others.
Terry BurnsI was that student who liked all her teachers and was influenced by all of them.I loved school and did well. When I was in 6th grade, I had a hard time personally as my parents were divorcing and I was diagnosed with a serious illness. Mr. Hoover was my 6th grade teacher who never failed to compliment me, never failed to make sure I felt competent and nurtured. thanks so much. You stand out among all my excellent teachers!
Mary MelnickI want to thank my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Smith who taught me that my thoughts and ideas were valuable. I will never forget her. She is my role model of what makes a great teacher!
Dr. Sue SmootThank you Lynn Ewing at Saddleback HS for your understanding and the many little things you went out of your way to do. You made me feel both normal and special. Thank you Renan Musick at Saddleback HS for giving me a chance to express myself in sports and be good in something. You allowed me to help you - I was so honored to be able to do that. Thank you Ms. Walter at SJSU for being an amazing example of a coach/teacher. Thank you Carol Mooney at Chapman for truly being a teacher of teachers. You showed me how to teach. You are a wonderful teacher. Thank you Dr. Jane Smoot for your support when I was learning how to teach. In only a few moments, I saw how to gently but honestly help a student do better. Thank you Suzi Tigner for your example of being open to all types of students and how you make each one know that you care about them and they are special.
Genevieve Rosales Di GiulioMrs. Bouchet, you somehow managed to get this dejected, disillusioned little sixth grader (who had just moved to a new town) to renew her love for education. Who knew I'd end up casting my net out to catch middle schoolers who needed me, too! Twelve years of teaching and I love every moment of it. We touch lives. It's that simple.
Susan Holstrom Thank you to Mr. Bob Schaal - my all-time favorite teacher from Kraemer Jr. High in Placentia, Calif. He influenced my life in so many ways, most importantly in helping me believe in myself. I realized through my connection with him that he was the type of teacher I aspired to become. A BIG THANKS to you Bob - you are still my teaching hero!
Stephanie Lawrence Bird Thank you Jan MacDougall for creating such a safe environment so that I could blossom. You turned me on to learning in general. You are amazing! I can still remember so many vivid moments in your classroom.
Corinne McIntire My two favorite teachers by far were my high school history teacher Dr. Cross and my high school counselor Mr. Parmer. During the finals week my freshman year my most favorite person in the whole wide world, my dad, passed away right in front of me. These two had all my teachers freeze my grades and for the last two weeks of my freshman year while I just sat in my chair during my classes. All through high school these two not only were great teachers to me but they also became very important role models and father figures as well. When I became a teacher, I went back to visit them both and told them how much they meant to me. It really meant a lot to them to hear that. They will always have a very special place in my heart. Los Alamitos High School, Class of ’92
Judi Jackson
Thanks to four of my teachers for inspiring me from my 8th grade math teacher, Mrs. Rawson, who made me feel so smart in math and encouraged me to lead others in our math class to my eighth grade PE teacher, Mrs. DeMaglio, who encouraged me to go forward in sports, before Title IX came to be. I loved sports and I was the only straight A student in the eighth grade. My high school business teacher, Mr. Long asked me to assist other teachers in copying, typing, etc., and to boost my keyboard skills, which have always stayed with me and make my computer desktop publishing superfast. Ms. Ellisor, my high school advisor in cheerleading. We have always stayed in touch – she has been a very caring teacher! Thank you!
Thanks to four of my teachers for inspiring me from my 8th grade math teacher, Mrs. Rawson, who made me feel so smart in math and encouraged me to lead others in our math class to my eighth grade PE teacher, Mrs. DeMaglio, who encouraged me to go forward in sports, before Title IX came to be. I loved sports and I was the only straight A student in the eighth grade. My high school business teacher, Mr. Long asked me to assist other teachers in copying, typing, etc., and to boost my keyboard skills, which have always stayed with me and make my computer desktop publishing superfast. Ms. Ellisor, my high school advisor in cheerleading. We have always stayed in touch – she has been a very caring teacher! Thank you!
Barbara Muskat Mr. Dahl was my high school art teacher at James Monroe High School who influenced me to pursue teaching and teaching art. He made art class fun and awakened me to the art of teaching. Thank you Mr. Dahl and a handful of other teachers who really cared about their students and the subjects helped me to understand.
Isabelle Bishop Thank you to Mr. Decker who taught at Mclane High School in Fresno. You made a big difference in my life. Not just as a great math teacher and coach, but also our advisor in Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Thank you for all you did for us.
Patricia Ellis Thank you Betty Alexander and Lee Christisen at Scandinavian Middle School in Fresno, 1980-81. Thank you for your support!
Victoria Kortlang
Thank you Mr. Slaker, my 6th grade teacher at Hardy Elementary, for making me feel worthwhile even though I had no interest in school at the time. You never put me down. Who would have believed that one day I, too, would be a teacher.
Thank you Mr. Slaker, my 6th grade teacher at Hardy Elementary, for making me feel worthwhile even though I had no interest in school at the time. You never put me down. Who would have believed that one day I, too, would be a teacher.
Sherry Wright Thank you Dee Frank, my English teacher at Torrey Pines H.S. You were my young and enthusiastic mentor, always pushing me to do more than what was expected so that I would grow more. I have been teaching high school English for 26 years and aim for another 11, and you inspired me to be here.
Karen MartzMr. Aaron Works was my high school band teacher. He inspired me to not be afraid of hard work and determination of a goal for my future. He believed in me when I doubted myself. He encouraged me even when his words were met by my non-appreciative teenage attitude. He inspired me to always be a positive influence to others and never give up. He saw potential in me beyond my immature years and shared his evaluation of my gift in a heartfelt letter of recommendation to my college music program. I am forever grateful for his extraordinary example of what every educator should be and strive each day to live up to his example. Thank you Mr. Works! The heavens are blessed to have you among their midst. Till we meet again.
David R. VaughnThank you to Mr. Lloyd Faulkner of Joaquin Miller Jr. High, Sacramento. Three years of social studies, grades 7-9, you helped me learn to think, to question, and to think about what I was told and what I was taught. Thank You.