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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

NYC Educator: Teachers' Rights Are Students' Rights; Also, Some Clothing Companies Like Teachers

NYC Educator: Teachers' Rights Are Students' Rights; Also, Some Clothing Companies Like Teachers:

Teachers' Rights Are Students' Rights; Also, Some Clothing Companies Like Teachers

So Kenneth Cole has decided to remove their teacher-trashing billboard.  Well, that's nice.  One billboard down, but meanwhile, Michelle Rhee hasn't yet moved on to doing something more constructive with her life, like watching paint dry.  Still, we'll take all the victories we can get.

As I've pointed out in this space before, teachers' rightsare students' rights; they are not in opposition to each other.  Schools that are clean, orderly, and safe are in teachers' and students' interests.  Teachers who are well-supported and, yes, well-compensated are