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Monday, September 12, 2011

Blue Jersey:: OK, Smart Guy - What Would YOU Do?

Blue Jersey:: OK, Smart Guy - What Would YOU Do?:

OK, Smart Guy - What Would YOU Do?

I recently spent a week here at Blue Jersey demolishing the corporate "reform" argument. Well, no, that's not quite right; I'd spent that week bringing together a bunch of research and writing that did all the demolishing for me. Folks like Bruce Baker, Matt DiCarlo, Valerie Strauss, Leonie Haimson, and Diane Ravitch are among the many who have done the legwork that makes it so easy to build a case against these rash, uniformed, and just plain silly proposals.

But all of this leads to a question: what should we do instead?

It's a fair question. Even though this notion of an education "crisis" has been blown way out of proportion, I do believe that we could make things better. And I do believe that the continued achievement gap is a serious problem that needs to be