Latest News and Comment from Education

Tuesday, May 9, 2023




Ah, Project Veritas. The gift that keeps on giving. If you're not familiar, Project Veritas is a right-wing organization that specializes in undercover "stings" that are supposed to expose liberal bias and corruption. Of course, they're mostly just a bunch of nonsense, but every once in a while they manage to hit on something that's actually worth talking about. Case in point: a recent video they released that shows educators in New York discussing their approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Educators? Diversity? Equity? Inclusion? This sounds like a snoozefest." And normally, you'd be right. But trust me, this video is worth watching. Not because it's some smoking gun that proves that the liberal agenda is taking over our schools (spoiler alert: it's not), but because it's just so damn funny.

First of all, let's talk about the video itself. It's shot in classic Project Veritas style, which means it's grainy, poorly lit, and has that weird "hidden camera" effect where everything looks like it was filmed through a peephole. It's also heavily edited, so you never really get a sense of what the educators are actually saying. But that's not really the point. The point is to create the impression that these educators are up to something nefarious.

So what are they up to? Well, according to Project Veritas, they're trying to indoctrinate children with liberal propaganda. Specifically, they're pushing an agenda of "diversity, equity, and inclusion," which apparently means brainwashing kids into thinking that it's okay to be gay or transgender or whatever. Shocking stuff, I know.

Of course, if you actually watch the video, you'll see that the educators aren't really doing anything wrong. They're just talking about how they try to create a welcoming environment for all students, regardless of their background or identity. They talk about how they try to incorporate diverse perspectives into their curriculum, and how they try to make sure that all students feel valued and respected. It's all pretty basic stuff, really.

But that doesn't stop Project Veritas from trying to spin it into some kind of scandal. They interview a bunch of outraged parents and conservative activists who are convinced that the educators are trying to turn their kids into social justice warriors. They even manage to get a few soundbites from some of the educators themselves, who are understandably defensive about being secretly recorded and edited to make it look like they're doing something wrong.

So what's the takeaway from all of this? Well, for one thing, it's a reminder that you can't always trust what you see on the internet. Just because something looks like a smoking gun doesn't mean it actually is. And for another thing, it's a reminder that the conservative outrage machine is always looking for something to get worked up about. Even if it's just a bunch of educators trying to create a more inclusive learning environment.

But most importantly, it's a reminder that sometimes the best way to deal with nonsense is to just laugh at it. So go ahead and watch the video. Laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. And then go back to your life, secure in the knowledge that the liberal agenda isn't going to brainwash your kids anytime soon. Unless, of course, you count Sesame Street. Those puppets are definitely up to something.

Educators in New York are facing backlash after videos released by Project Veritas showed them discussing their approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Texas mall shooter’s ‘RWDS’ patch linked to far-right extremists | PBS NewsHour

"Ha! Who knew that calling someone a 'dick' could actually be a compliment in the detective world? Apparently, it comes from the Romani word 'dik', meaning 'to look'. So, the next time someone calls you a dick, just take it as a sign that you have great observation skills. Detective skills, even. Keep on dikking, my friends!"