A Lesson From Indiana About L.A.'s Proposed School Rating System
L.A. Unified School District officials have been developing a system to give each of its schools a grade — a single, overall rating of its academic performance.
But the idea has been controversial, and on Tuesday, the LAUSD board could vote to end the project.
Big Education Ape: State School Rankings and School Report Cards Drive Racial and Economic Segregation | janresseger - http://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2019/06/state-school-rankings-and-school-report.html
The district considered the idea because California is one of the rare states that does not issue ratings, labels, or even letter grades to schools.
Every year, 45 states issue school ratings — including Indiana, where a 2013 scandal about the state's A-F letter grade ratings holds lessons about how school rating systems work.