Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, August 26, 2019

Louisiana: The Failure of Vouchers | Diane Ravitch's blog

Louisiana: The Failure of Vouchers | Diane Ravitch's blog

Louisiana: The Failure of Vouchers

When I first started writing this blog in 2012, Louisiana’s then Governor Bobby Jindal was crowing about his new voucher plan. He and his state commissioner John White insisted that vouchers were a wonderful innovation. They would save poor children from failing public schools. They would give poor children the same choices that rich children have. All the DeVos baloney was served up.
We now know that none of this was true. Most of the voucher money went to backwoods evangelical church schools that did not have certified teachers or a real curriculum. Some of the voucher schools relied on the state money to keep their doors open. The “opportunity” was not for the students, but for the schools, which were glad to have the money from the state.
Now an organization called The Center for Investigative Reporting reveals what we anticipated: most students who use vouchers attend schools that are rated D or F by the State Education Department that funds them. The state is subsidizing no-quality education.
The vouchers are an expensive hoax. They are not saving poor children from failing schools. Most of them ARE failing schools.
This story was produced by FOX8 WVUE, | The Times-Picayune and WWNO New Orleans Public Radio as part of Reveal’s Local Labs initiative, which supports lasting investigative reporting collaborations in CONTINUE READING: Louisiana: The Failure of Vouchers | Diane Ravitch's blog