“So what you’re saying is that the statement at the top of this paper is for me to prove using these equations?”
I nod.
“OK, but I don’t get what f and g actually do. That’s making like no sense.”
[scribbles a bunch of notes on a board and, over the course of five minutes, gets to why mathematicians decided to write “f of g” with a dot but not explain how it actually works]“OK, that was really good.”
“Was it?”
After all these years of taking time after school to show my former students – now high schoolers – what their teacher meant, I turned to the work I need to do from 8am – 2:20pm: my current students. I’ve had hundreds of students come back either in person or through video chats to concretize the math they’re learning outside of my schools. Each session, I’m taking a few minutes of free time and then imploring them to talk privately with their current math teachers. Some come out with more confidence in advocating for themselves. Others say their teacher won’t slow down for them. Others Continue reading: A Reminder About Teaching Students Math in NYC (And Beyond) | The Jose Vilson