Your Human Capital (Child) and Tracking Its Virtual Health (Mental & Physical) in School. What Could Go Wrong?
MEW recently wrote about Telehealth (virtual health services) in Missouri and a school program in Indiana using virtual doctors to assess students’ health. Concerns about Telehealth in schools were:
- data privacy (student medical PII entered onto data sets accessed by federal agencies/third parties)
- the primary reason for Telehealth services (is this to increase ‘seat time’ requirements set forth in ESSA?)
- Telehealth screenings has been used for students for special needs, including speech-language therapy, occupational therapy,behavioral interventions and mental health services, assessments, and early childhood services
According to the PresenceLearning press release celebrating the passage of MO SB579 (Medicaid reimbursement for related services to students provided by virtual medical services), the legislation will allow access to special needs students who may not have had Your Human Capital (Child) and Tracking Its Virtual Health (Mental & Physical) in School. What Could Go Wrong? – Missouri Education Watchdog: