Message to Pro-CCSS, ESSA Politicians: This is Why Taxpayers/Parents Are Furious.
Jonathon Pelto describes recent Connecticut Board of Education meeting in which parents were ignored. Sound familiar?
Politicians should be cognizant of the intense anger such arrogance engenders in the voters. Politicians should be introducing legislation holding bureaucrats accountable for their behavior and misuse of taxpayer funds in pursuing educational reforms that the taxpayers do not want: increased standardized testing, a one size fits all educational blueprint, and data tracking of their children cradle to grave. Politicians should also hold chief state school officers accountable for the *misinformation* they provide to parents.
Read about the Connecticut meeting which should cause serious parental disobedience and anger. From Incredulous: Watching CT Department of Education officials lecture school administrators on how to mislead parents:
Just when I thought I had truly seen everything when it comes to the arrogance, elitism, audacity and contemptuousness of those associated with the corporate funded “Education Reform” effort, I witnessed something even more breathtakingly incredible this past Monday at the Connecticut State Department of Education.It has taken the week to even begin to be able to put into words what I and a handful of other parents andMessage to Pro-CCSS, ESSA Politicians: This is Why Taxpayers/Parents Are Furious. – Missouri Education Watchdog