Academy of Dover Is Not A 501c3 Corporation As Stated In Their Charter, DOE Needs To Revoke Their Charter Now
The Academy of Dover is not listed as a 501c3 corporation with the Internal Revenue Service. The Academy of Dover’s charter, which firmly states they are a 501c3 non-profit corporation, is not real. The Delaware Department of Education put the charter school under formal review last year. This was their fourth formal review in 12 years. This did not come up at all during that process. As well, their auditor, Barbacane, Thornton, & Company LLP, wrote about this in the last three years of audits they did for the school.
For the past three years, their auditor made note of this in their yearly audit of the school. Each year provides a link to the full audit:Academy of Dover Is Not A 501c3 Corporation As Stated In Their Charter, DOE Needs To Revoke Their Charter Now – Exceptional Delaware: