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Friday, November 6, 2015

CURMUDGUCATION: CAP & Common Core Whack-a-mole

CURMUDGUCATION: CAP & Common Core Whack-a-mole:

CAP & Common Core Whack-a-mole

I have decided that the Center for American Promise has based its relentless (and senseless) Common Core promotional campaign on a game of whack-a-mole in which they play the part of the mole.

Here comes Carmel Martin, executive vice-president of policy at CAP (previously employed by the US Department of Education-- you can view her revolving door history here), writing a piece for Inside Sources, a website that seems to be a sort of clearing house for news from "policy and industry experts" aka "people who have a news story they want to have placed." But it totally worked, because the piece was picked up by Newsday.

Martin announces her intent with her lede:

The irony of the controversy over the Common Core is that proponents and opponents actually agree on much more than we disagree on.

I'm not sure what the "irony" of the controversy is, really. That Common Core backers never thought anyone would argue with them or resist? That they are being sold as higher standards that will prepare students for college and career when there's no actual evidence they do either? But hey-- let's hold hands, start strumming our ukelele, and see what it is that we all agree on.

First, "we all agree" that America's students must be prepared to thrive in today's competitive global 
CURMUDGUCATION: CAP & Common Core Whack-a-mole: