StudentsFirst Weak Core Endorsement
Andy Cuomo's Common Core Task Force is supposed to be busily working today
StudentsFirst NY was only too happy to get involved with a forum sponsored by High Achievement New York, a coalition that asks the question, "If you rub a whole bunch of astroturf together, can you light a fire under New York politicians?" Today they're reporting the testimony of four parents, and it's a sign of how weak the pro-Core argument has become. I'm not going to list the parent names, though SFNY does. I just want to concentrate on the actual argument being pushed here.
Parent #1
Parent #1 has a third grade student who will be taking his first CCSS-aligned test in February. And he has a story to tell.
In the past, I had no way of really knowing if he was making the grade. Last year, he fell behind academically and the only way I found out was after I asked his teacher at a parent teacher conference. I don’t understand why they didn’t let me know he needed extra help.
Let me be clear-- this is a real problem, and Parent #1 has every reason to be upset. However, the CURMUDGUCATION: StudentsFirst Weak Core Endorsement: