Front Group sues 13 school districts for not using test scores in teacher evaluations - LA Times
Group sues 13 school districts for not using test scores in teacher evaluations - LA Times: Group sues 13 school districts for not using test scores in teacher evaluationsAn education advocacy group sued 13 California school districts Thursday, claiming that they have ignored a state law requiring teachers’ performance evaluations to include student standardized test scores.The lawsuit targets the
Houston charter school leaders accused of embezzling $2.6 million meant for kids - Houston Chronicle
Houston charter school leaders accused of embezzling $2.6 million meant for kids - Houston Chronicle: Houston charter school leaders accused of embezzling $2.6 million meant for kidsThe founding superintendent of Houston's Varnett charter school and her husband have been indicted on charges of embezzling more than $2.6 million intended to benefit impoverished students, the U.S. Attorney's Office a
Why BustED Pencils does not support the Senate's ESEA rewrite! | BustED Pencils
Why BustED Pencils does not support the Senate's ESEA rewrite! | BustED Pencils: Why BustED Pencils does not support the Senate’s ESEA rewrite!As was noted today in EdWeek,Secretary of Education Arne Duncan applauded the Senate’s passage of the ESEA rewrite.He particularly touted provisions in the bill that would give states more flexibility from NCLB’s “one-size-fits-all federal mandates” and tho
SN&R's attorney on why K.J.'s shadow email network is a huge problem for the city of Sacramento - Sacramento News & Review
SN&R's attorney on why K.J.'s shadow email network is a huge problem for the city of Sacramento - Page Burner - July 16, 2015 - Blogs - Sacramento News & Review: SN&R's attorney on why K.J.'s shadow email network is a huge problem for the city of Sacramentoby Cosmo GarvinRegular readers know that Mayor Kevin Johnson recently sued SN&R and the city of Sacramento. He did this to bloc
Backroom dealings? American Federation of Teachers endorsement may hurt Hillary Clinton | US Politics | The News Hub
Backroom dealings? American Federation of Teachers endorsement may hurt Hillary Clinton | US Politics | The News Hub: Backroom dealings? American Federation of Teachers endorsement may hurt Hillary ClintonThe union, part of the AFL-CIO, violated an understanding to not endorse candidates before July 30Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has secured the biggest endorsement in the 2016
Revising the No Child Left Behind Act: Issue by Issue - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Revising the No Child Left Behind Act: Issue by Issue - Politics K-12 - Education Week: Revising the No Child Left Behind Act: Issue by IssueBy Alyson Klein on July 15, 2015 4:42 PMThe U.S. Senate has voted to pass a bipartisan bill to rewrite the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which hasn't gotten a facelift since 2002, when then-President George W. Bush signed the law's current version,
Senate ESEA Amendment “Voice Vote” Update for July 15, 2015 | deutsch29
Senate ESEA Amendment “Voice Vote” Update for July 15, 2015 | deutsch29: Senate ESEA Amendment “Voice Vote” Update for July 15, 2015As the Senate debate on its version of the ESEA reauthorization, the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015, neared its end, there was a sort of “sudden death” round as more amendments were dealt with quickly and in the form of voice votes.There were 21 of these voice votes
And You May Ask Yourself, "Well, How Did I Get Here?" | The Jose Vilson
And You May Ask Yourself, "Well, How Did I Get Here?" | The Jose Vilson: And You May Ask Yourself, “Well, How Did I Get Here?”Thanks for your patience.I’ve been to Atlanta, Washington D.C., and now San Antonio within the span of a week, spreading the “good word.” You’ve elevated me, so now I get to bring the words that usually come from this page to the adults who often need to hear it t
Geaux Teacher!: Deutsch29 Picking on Campbell Brown's Carcass
Geaux Teacher!: Deutsch29 Picking on Campbell Brown's Carcass: Deutsch29 Picking on Campbell Brown's CarcassResearcher and teacher extraordinaire Dr. Mercedes Schneider is "picking on" Campbell Brown again and this time she leaves only the bones from the carcass of Brown's inevitably fatal attempts to boost the charter market for her benefactors. For more read Schneider's most recent exp
Senate Amendment to Title I Funding Formula Passed | deutsch29
Senate Amendment to Title I Funding Formula Passed | deutsch29: Senate Amendment to Title I Funding Formula PassedOn July 16, 2015, Senator Burr’s (R-NC) amendment 2247, “As Modified; To amend the allocation of funds under subpart 2 of part A of title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965,” was approved via roll call vote, 59-39.The 19-page text of the amendment can be found here
Education Lessons From A Sparkly District: New Jersey’s Standards Review Committee
Education Lessons From A Sparkly District: New Jersey’s Standards Review Committee: New Jersey’s Standards Review CommitteeMaybe it’s just me, but it seems that the favorite way for the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)/Gov. Christie to blow off immediate responsibility for anything is to create a Committee. The latest being the New Jersey Standards Review Committee. I can’t help the feel
Marie Corfield: Update on One Parent vs. #OneNewark
Marie Corfield: Update on One Parent vs. #OneNewark: Update on One Parent vs. #OneNewarkYesterday I wrote about Frankie Adao of Newark's Parent Power Movement infiltrating a One Newark enrollment center to gain information for parents who are not being provided with it.Frankie just posted this on Facebook (emphasis mine): This is some of the crap charters in Newark are pulling. I also spoke to ano
Jesse “The Walking Man” Turner is a hero and deserves our help - Wait What?
Jesse “The Walking Man” Turner is a hero and deserves our help - Wait What?: Jesse “The Walking Man” Turner is a hero and deserves our helpJesse “The Walking Man Turner” is walking from Connecticut to Washington DC this summer to protest the education malpractice that is demoralizing parents, teachers, and turning our children into human capital.Jesse is successfully raising awareness and support
CURMUDGUCATION: Can Third Graders "Fail"
CURMUDGUCATION: Can Third Graders "Fail": Can Third Graders "Fail"A twitter conversation this morning turned into a discussion of the semantics of talking about test results, but any conversation that turns to phrases like "semantics of talking about test results" (39 characters) is kind of doomed on twitter. Jennifer Borgioli (@JennBinis) referred me to her article f
Big Business vs. Parents on Education in The Capitol – Big Money and Big Lies Winning » Missouri Education Watchdog
Big Business vs. Parents on Education in The Capitol – Big Money and Big Lies Winning » Missouri Education Watchdog: Big Business vs. Parents on Education in The Capitol – Big Money and Big Lies WinningThe conviction of the Senate that they HAD to pass SB1177 Every Child Achieves Act has been hard to understand. Grassroot groups like Eagle Forum and the American Principles Project have been lobbyi
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Claypool will run Rahm's Clark St. Operation. Otherwise known as CPS.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Claypool will run Rahm's Clark St. Operation. Otherwise known as CPS.: Claypool will run Rahm's Clark St. Operation. Otherwise known as CPS.At a news conference with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, CTA President Forrest Claypool talks about making the Red Line trains run on time.. (Sun-Times photo)Okay, so it looks like the hated David Vitale is out and ComEd/Excelon nukes guy F
2015 Teacher of the Year: How to fight the ‘simplistic slogans and manipulated data’ of critics - The Washington Post
2015 Teacher of the Year: How to fight the ‘simplistic slogans and manipulated data’ of critics - The Washington Post: 2015 Teacher of the Year: How to fight the ‘simplistic slogans and manipulated data’ of criticsShanna Peeples is a high school English teacher in Amarillo, Texas, who was named the 2015 National Teacher of the Year earlier this year by the Council of Chief State School Officers.
Why Unions for Teachers in Public Schools and Colleges? | janresseger
Why Unions for Teachers in Public Schools and Colleges? | janresseger: Why Unions for Teachers in Public Schools and Colleges?Why do educators need unions? Aren’t teachers professionals and doesn’t it diminish their professionalism if they join unions? These are questions underneath several of the big issues in education—charter schools as non-unionized competitors for public schools—the role of
7 Lessons from Race to the Top :: Frederick M. Hess
7 Lessons from Race to the Top :: Frederick M. Hess: 7 Lessons from Race to the TopOver at Education Next, former Race to the Top honcho Joanne Weiss and I have a lively exchange on that program's legacy. Joanne is relatively upbeat; me, not as much. You can find my take here and Joanne'shere. I talk a bit about the lessons learned, but space constraints mean the focus is more on our competing per
Why Arne Duncan Has Been A Monumental Flop As Education Secretary
Why Arne Duncan Has Been A Monumental Flop As Education Secretary: Why Arne Duncan Has Been A Monumental Flop As Education SecretaryFor some years now, the term “The Village” has circulated throughout the Internet blogosphere as a shorthand description of the insular life of the Washington, D.C., policy makers and media mavens. As Heather “Digby” Parton explained in 2009, the term is a metaphor fo
Georgia charter schools: Uneven results and delays in closing failing ones | Get Schooled
Georgia charter schools: Uneven results and delays in closing failing ones | Get Schooled: Georgia charter schools: Uneven results and delays in closing failing onesThe promise of charter schools was that they would outperform traditional public schools or close.The AJC had a long front-page story this morning examining the state’s push for more charter schools despite their mixed record and the f
Rafe Esquith: Have the Bullies Met Their Match? - Change The LAUSD
Have the Bullies Met Their Match? - Change The LAUSD: Have the Bullies Met Their Match? “Exploiting justified anger...to pursue a war on teachers”-Diane RavitchToo often, a teacher in the LAUSD’s Teacher Jail system is doomed to a career ending sentence if they cannot generate the publicity that will force the district’s hand. When district bullies removed Greg Schiller from the classroom because
U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote To amend the accountability provisions.Every Child Achieves Act of 2015
U.S. Senate: Roll Call Vote: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 114th Congress - 1st Sessionas compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the SenateVote SummaryQuestion: (Murphy Amdt. No. 2241 )Vote Number:241Vote Date:July 15, 2015, 04:29 PMRequired For Majority:3/5Vote Result:Amendment RejectedAmendment Number:S.Amdt. 2241 to S.Amdt. 2089 to S. 1177 (E
Senate ESEA Reauthorization Update for July 15, 2015 | deutsch29
Senate ESEA Reauthorization Update for July 15, 2015 | deutsch29: Senate ESEA Reauthorization Update for July 15, 2015On July 15, 2015, the Senate voted by roll call on five amendments related to the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015, the Senate’s version of the proposed reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965.The first roll call vote concerned cloture, which wa
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 7/15/15
SPECIAL NITE CAP CORPORATE ED REFORMThe 5 Teachers You Meet in Heaven: What It Really Takes to Save Our Schools | Yohuru WilliamsThe 5 Teachers You Meet in Heaven: What It Really Takes to Save Our Schools | Yohuru Williams: The 5 Teachers You Meet in Heaven: What It Really Takes to Save Our SchoolsA few weeks ago, I had the privilege of delivering commencement addresses to the graduates of the Rea