La Opinión - noticias locales, nacionales e internacionales desde Los Ángeles - - An opportunity for California:
"California’s educational system desperately needs additional funds to address the budget crisis while, at the same time, it also must tackle reforms to improve student learning. The State Assembly has the possibility to achieve both of these goals by passing a single legislative bill.
The Obama administration is pushing significant changes in the education system across the country through a program called 'Race to the Top,' which has $4.5 billion to award to states that adopt new standards for student learning and new systems to assess student achievement, that recruit and train effective teachers and principals, and finally, that turn-around low-achieving schools."
To Build The Wall
It's just the latest brick. Florida has moved past banning courses that are
expressly about that woke stuff, and has moved on to removing subjects like
39 minutes ago