Monday, September 8, 2014

Morning Wink 9-8-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform


LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-8-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Eton Headmaster: U.K. Exam System Is Obsolete“Tony Little, headmaster of Eton, says that the U.K.’s testing system is unimaginative and misleading. “England’s “unimaginative” exam system is little changed from Victorian times and fails to prepare young people for modern working life, Eton’s headmaster has said. “Tony Little said th
"The Teacher Wars" in the News
"The Teacher Wars" in the News: “The Teacher Wars” in the NewsIt’s been a whirlwind launch week for my book, The Teacher Wars: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession. Thank you for the many messages of support, the notes saying you bought the book, and–yes–the critiques, too! Here are some of the highlights:My big interview with Terry Gross of NPR’s Fresh AirMy Vox longread (an
9-8-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Chicago Teachers Union and CORE - A Rational Social Justice Union and CaucusJust about every group and grouplet in the USA has hijacked what we are doing in Chicago. We decided NOT to participate in the Ferguson activities, in part because some of our members are spouses of police officers, and the Ferguson activities have become anti-police.... Member, CORE steering committee COR
9-8-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: NYC Educator. A time for every purpose under heaven.- NYC Educator is a teacher, local UFT leader and union activist. I was pretty surprised to read a story in the NY Post with a picture of a few dozen white teachers wearing NYPD shirts. Apparently they’d triumphed over the insidious UFT, which had so
9-8-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Study: “Asking for Advice Makes You Seem More Competent, Not Less”New York Magazine (and a bunch of other news outlets) recently reported on new research which found, as the headline of the magazine article and this post says, that “Asking for Advice Makes You Seem More Competent, Not Less.” Here’s an excerpt: I’ve certainl
9-7-14 Wait What? - Malloy allocates $500k to figure out how to reduce standardized testing…
Wait What?: Malloy allocates $500k to figure out how to reduce standardized testing…After wasting tens of millions of taxpayer funds instituting his massive Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment Coalition (SBAC) tests, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy has now said that he wants to “to reduce the time Connecticut students spend taking standardized tests” and has even come up with $500,000 in grants t
9-8-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: ‘We must push back against the misguided and dangerous belief that a new generation of teachers can emerge spontaneously’The Urban Teacher Education Consortium is a national consortium of teacher educators who are dedicated to development strong preparation programs for cities across the country. Members of the consortium have just released a position paper on the training of teacher
9-8-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: rene diedrich's invitation is awaiting your response                rene diedrich would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?       rene diedrich   writer/poet at Freelance     Confirm you know rene    by Rene Diedrich / 5h 9-7-14 Hemlock on the RocksHemlock on the Rocks: Fwd: Twelve Theses on Education's Future in the Age of Neoliberalism and TerrorismT
9-8-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo, De Blasio Threaten To Derail Pet Projects Of Any Democrats Who Endorse Teachout/WuFred Dicker in today's Post:Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio used threats and intimidation in recent days to block prominent Democrats from backing leftist law professors Zephyr Teachout and her running mate, Tim Wu, in Tuesday’s primary, party insiders have told The Post. The largely succ
10 Thoughts on the New AP U.S. History Framework :: Frederick M. Hess
10 Thoughts on the New AP U.S. History Framework :: Frederick M. Hess: 10 Thoughts on the New AP U.S. History Frameworkby Frederick M. Hess  •  Sep 8, 2014 at 9:10 amCross-posted from Education Week Print Send RSS ShareThe College Board's revision of the AP U.S. History curriculum framework has ignited a firestorm. The new framework was released in 2012, but it's only drawn notice in the past few
Louisiana Educator: Holding Our Legislators Accountable
Louisiana Educator: Holding Our Legislators Accountable: Holding Our Legislators Accountable2014 LAE Legislative Report Card Now Available. Click Here.There is no question that by far the most important decision makers affecting public education and the welfare of public school employees are our Louisiana state senators and representatives. The Louisiana legislature considers dozens of bills each
Diane Ravitch Responds to NY Times Magazine Profile of Eva Moskowitz | janresseger
Diane Ravitch Responds to NY Times Magazine Profile of Eva Moskowitz | janresseger: Diane Ravitch Responds to NY Times Magazine Profile of Eva MoskowitzPosted on September 8, 2014 by janressegerYesterday the Sunday New York Times Magazine published a laudatory profile of Eva Moskowitz and her Success Academy chain of charter schools in New York City.  Moskowitz is a former member of the NYC city c
Shanker Blog » The Great Teacher Evaluation Evaluation: New York Edition
Shanker Blog » The Great Teacher Evaluation Evaluation: New York Edition: The Great Teacher Evaluation Evaluation: New York EditionPosted by Matthew Di Carlo on September 8, 2014A couple of weeks ago, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) released data from the first year of the state’s new teacher and principal evaluation system (called the “Annual Professional Performance Review,” or A
In the NBA as well, "Racism in the United States is as virulent as ever" by teacherken
In the NBA as well, "Racism in the United States is as virulent as ever": In the NBA as well, "Racism in the United States is as virulent as ever"byteacherkenFollow    16 Comments / 16 NewThe occasion of my posting this is a column by William Rhoden in today's New York Times about yet another racist owner in the NBA, this time the man with the controlling interest in the Atlant
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLESMary MitchellThe way Mayor Rahm Emanuel reacted publicly to misconduct allegations against Chicago Police Cmdr. Glenn Evans shows he doesn’t have a clue about what it will take to rebuild trust between cops and the black community. -- Sun-TimesRep. Luis Gutierrez"Well, first of all it's clear that playing it safe is what is go
NYC Educator: A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven
NYC Educator: A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven: A Time for Every Purpose Under HeavenI was pretty surprised to read a story in the NY Post with a picture of a few dozen white teachers wearing NYPD shirts. Apparently they'd triumphed over the insidious UFT, which had somehow advised them against wearing said apparel. There was talk of appropriate apparel, and vague threatened consequences for
Lily's Blackboard - Just Because I’m NEA President, Doesn’t Mean…
Lily's Blackboard - Updates from NEA President Lily Eskelsen García: Lily's Blackboard - Updates from NEA President Lily Eskelsen García:NPR: New Teacher’s Union Leader Promises More Activism“Equity is every kid getting what every kid needs,” she said. “We think every public school should look as good as your best public school. That’s the standard we want every state to meet.” At a Spanish restau


Choosing Democracy: November elections: high stakes for teachers and students
Choosing Democracy: November elections: high stakes for teachers and students: November elections: high stakes for teachers and students November elections: High stakes for students, parents, education votersCalifornia;A vital election between Tom Torlakson, Superintendent of Public Instruction-  a teacher himself who has opposed the Vergara decision.  And, Marshall Tuck, a Wall Street banker who
Laura Chapman on Education Weekly’s “Philanthropic” Funding | deutsch29
Laura Chapman on Education Weekly’s “Philanthropic” Funding | deutsch29: Laura Chapman on Education Weekly’s“Philanthropic” FundingSeptember 7, 2014The post below is from the comments section of my September 6, 2014, post, Gates, Other “Philanthropy,” and the Purchase of a Success Narrative. It was written by Laura Chapman, veteran arts educator whose well-researched observations on the entangled
Mayoral Control: The short of it | Seattle Education
Mayoral Control: The short of it | Seattle Education: Mayoral Control: The short of itI always knew that the “idea” of mayoral control would be raised for Seattle at some point.When I heard that the City of Seattle’s Office of Education was to be renamed the Department of Education, I told friends that the next thing we’re going to hear is that the mayor wants to be head of the new Department of E
Twisting the Truth | The Crucial Voice of the People
Twisting the Truth | The Crucial Voice of the People: Twisting the Truth “The nation’s governors developed Common Core.” That is the Bloomberg View on the development of The Core. Readership? Probably pretty widespread!And the history of Common Core is being told in this U.S. News & World Report and elsewhere as having been started by former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano. Her (?) 2008 report i
Teachers and social media: trekking on treacherous terrain - Inside Bay Area
Teachers and social media: trekking on treacherous terrain - Inside Bay Area: Teachers and social media: trekking on treacherous terrainBy Doug Oakley, Theresa Harrington and Sharon Noguchi Oakland TribunePOSTED:   09/07/2014 03:07:32 PM PDT0 COMMENTS| UPDATED:   ABOUT 3 HOURS AGOWhen news broke last month that Newark teacher Krista Hodges used Twitter to express her desire to stab some of her stu
“The Worst Popular Idea Out There” |
“The Worst Popular Idea Out There” |: “The Worst Popular Idea Out There”On the blog titled the “Big Education Ape,” David B. Cohen recently wrote a nice summary re: the current thinking about VAMs, with a heck-of-a way of capturing them, that also serves as the title of this post: “The Worst Popular Idea Out There.” That statement alone inspired me to post, below, the contents of his piece. Hopefu
Nite Cap 9-7-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP– Evidence Says That Students Do Better In Schools With Strong Teachers’ Unions– Evidence Says That Students Do Better In Schools With Strong Teachers’ Unions: Evidence Says That Students Do Better In Schools With Strong Teachers’ UnionsAUTHOR: W
– Evidence Says That Students Do Better In Schools With Strong Teachers’ Unions
– Evidence Says That Students Do Better In Schools With Strong Teachers’ Unions: Evidence Says That Students Do Better In Schools With Strong Teachers’ UnionsAUTHOR: WES WILLIAMS SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 4:36 PMIn the current anti-union climate in the U.S., there may not be any group of unions that has been singled out for more criticism than teachers’ unions. Unions such as the National Education Associ
9-7-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": “Homework Helper: Math Tips for the Common Core”Homework Helper: Math Tips for the Common Core is a series of short videos designed to help parents understand…math and the Common Core. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Talking To Parents About The Common Core Standards. Thanks to Valerie Strauss for the tip.2 by Larry
empathyeducates – ‘Helicopter Parenting’ Hysteria
empathyeducates – ‘Helicopter Parenting’ Hysteria: ‘Helicopter Parenting’ HysteriaPhotograph Credit; Shutterstock _Film Grain FilterBy Alfie Kohn | Originally Published at Huffington Post. September 4, 2014 4:50 PM EDTHelicopter parents of college-age children are the folks we love to hate. A steady stream of articles and blog posts bristle with indignation over dads who phone the dean about a tri
Tide Turning Against @TeachForAmerica?: Does Popular=Good | Cloaking Inequity
Tide Turning Against @TeachForAmerica?: Does Popular=Good | Cloaking Inequity: Tide Turning Against @TeachForAmerica?: Does Popular=GoodIs everything that is popular good? or good for you? Today’s Twitter blast includes the locations where @TeachForAmerica funding has recently been cut and/or they’ve been kicked out. Burgers, fries, chips. lard, donuts, meth etc. are all very popular, but not so g
Politics, Cancer, CCSS, Teachers, Children and Voting | Reclaim Reform
Politics, Cancer, CCSS, Teachers, Children and Voting | Reclaim Reform: Politics, Cancer, CCSS, Teachers, Children and VotingPosted on September 7, 2014by Ken PrevitiThe extremism masked as governmental reform is nearly beyond the realm of sanity. The simple propaganda of repeating something over and over again in TV ads to the voting public is overwhelming logic and sanity.The governor’s race in
9-6-14 Wait What? - In the New York Democratic Primary: It is Governor Andrew Cuomo vs. Zypher Teachout
Wait What?: In the New York Democratic Primary:  It is Governor Andrew Cuomo vs. Zypher TeachoutThis coming Tuesday, Zypher Teachout, the liberal Fordham University law professor is challenging Governor Andrew Cuomo. Like Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy, Governor Cuomo supported some progressive causes like gay marriage and gun control.  But, also like Malloy, Cuomo has championed corporate welfare p
School as a Fairy Tale | Connected Principals
School as a Fairy Tale | Connected Principals: School as a Fairy Taleby dkerr • September 7, 2014 • 0 CommentsSo for those of you who have seen me over the past few weeks, you know that I’ve been pretty excited. Not only about the year that we’ve just begun, but about the journey that we’ve embarked on as a school that will span the next 4 to 5 years. With our new strategic plan, our new mission a
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 9-7-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Stop and Seize: How Aggressive Policing is Taking the Property of Those Never Charged with CrimesMany of you in periods 5 and 6 read The New Jim Crow this summer.  Here are two must-read and watch pieces that underscore and illustrate even more acutely the use and impact of asset seizure and forfeiture as explained by author Michelle Alexander in Chapter 2, "The Lo
It Takes Practice to Become This Kind of a Rainbow | Life at the Intersections
It Takes Practice to Become This Kind of a Rainbow | Life at the Intersections: IT TAKES PRACTICE TO BECOME THIS KIND OF A RAINBOWSEPTEMBER 7, 2014 BRETT DICKERSONMy students are from lots of places: Columbia, Guatemala, Mexico, Vietnam, South Korea, China, and Taiwan this year. The mix is always changing. My two classes are adult-ed, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.I am lucky to have s
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-7-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: AFTER RUNNER-UP FINISH IN STATE RACE, GUTIERREZ TAKING ON VLADOVIC + LAUSD board candidate repudiates statements of ex-aide over willingness to fire Deasyby Michael Janofsky, LA School Report | Posted on September 3, 2014 11:57 am   ::  The LA Unified school board president, Richard Vladovic, is no longer running uncontested for hi
9-7-14 All NEW Living in Dialogue - Wayne Au Tangles with the Gates-Funded Education Lab Journalism Project
Home - Living in Dialogue: Wayne Au Tangles with the Gates-Funded Education Lab Journalism ProjectBy Anthony Cody. In August, Louisiana teacher and investigative reporter Mercedes Schneider wrote about the dangers of having education journalism directly funded by the Gates Foundation. This morning, she followed up that post with another, pointing out that while it sounds benign to “focus on succes
Not All My Teacherfolk Are My Kinfolk | The Jose Vilson
Not All My Teacherfolk Are My Kinfolk | The Jose Vilson: Not All My Teacherfolk Are My Kinfolk SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 JOSE LEAVE A COMMENTTiffanie Drayton’s open letter to the Staten Island teachers who wore NYPD t-shirts on the first day of school ought to be printed and passed around in every staff meeting:To your Black and Latino students, many of whom must have serious conversations with their pare
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Week in Class Week One 2014
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Week in Class Week One 2014: Week in Class Week One 2014 Due to family concerns, I’ve not been able to do as much writing as I would have liked in August, but I did want to share about my great first week of teaching.First, I like my class. They seem to be very sweet kids. I’m sure that as the months go on, the hormones will hit, but this also makes some of
How can we all keep the kindergarten spirit? | Connected Principals
How can we all keep the kindergarten spirit? | Connected Principals: How can we all keep the kindergarten spirit?by Amber Teamann • September 7, 2014 • 0 CommentsLast week as I was walking through classrooms, I came across this kinder kid who was working feverishly on the carpet on a project. As I smiled and walked around the room, he waved me over and asked if I wanted to see his invention. “See
Lessons From M. Mouse: Or, How I *BELIEVED* Disney Could Help Public Schools
Lessons From M. Mouse: Or, How I *BELIEVED* Disney Could Help Public Schools: Lessons From M. Mouse: Or, How I *BELIEVED* Disney Could Help Public SchoolsSEPTEMBER 7, 2014 BY NANCY BAILEY LEAVE A COMMENTA forest of thorns shall be his tomb! Borne through the skies on a fog of doom! Now go with the curse, and serve me well! ‘Round Stefan’s Castle, CAST MY SPELL!―Sleeping Beauty’s Maleficent casting
Luci Bat's #NormaRaeMoment #BadAssTeachersA
Luci Bat's #NormaRaeMoment #BadAssTeachersABATS HAVE A NORMA RAE MOMENT! NATIONAL PHOTO BLITZ's send some union litter all around the country!!!1. Write out a union-strong message on a paper/sign.2. Have someone take a photo of you holding that message.3. Post the photo below this link to share with BATs.4. Send your message out into the social network world!hashtags: #N
Morning Wink 9-7-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK  AM POSTS9-7-14 Answer SheetAnswer Sheet: Does holding kids back a year help them academically? No. But schools still do it.It may seem to make sense to hold back for a year a student who can’t read well but a mountain of research shows that it doesn’t actually help. Unfortunately, school reformers don’t seem to care what the research says. Here to discuss this is